Upon reaching the temple, the two Force-wielders used their Force powers to force its heavy stone doors open, which Maul realize upon seeing Ezra that they must embrace Rule of Two. Ezra and AP-5 managed to hide behind Thrawn's artifacts and furniture. Together with Kanan, Chopper, and Sabine, Ezra jumped onto the refinery below. The Jedi Master guided him through the ancient temple and asked him a series of questions. A Building Full of Cats is a hidden object game where you need to pet all the cats in the building. [19], On his way home, Bridger was walking through the fields around his tower when a freighter shot down a TIE fighter, which crashed not far from him. Most of the Imperial garrison boarded the Dome, which turned out to be a mobile Imperial Planetary Occupation Facility. They learned that the Emperor was interested in accessing a mysterious portal using a Painting of the Mortis gods. As he matured, Ezra was able to impart wisdom to his peers. [64], Ezra and his fellow rebels are trapped by Separatist droids, Following the events on Ryloth, Ezra accompanied Kanan, Zeb, Chopper, and Rex on a mission to salvage proton bombs from a wrecked Separatist supply ship on Agamar. At the insistence of Zeb, the group decided to hijack the ore crawler. Inside the ship, he met Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios and Hera Syndulla. After Sabine subdued the sentry droid, Ryder brought up his speeder so that the rebels could board the crawler. The Inquisitor attacked Ezra and his companions. DeclaraoOfficial da Rockstar Games However, AP-5 managed to convince Ezra to work with Kallus because they could only obtain a new set of clearance codes from Thawn's Office. Shortly later, Kanan interrupted the lesson and reprimanded his apprentice for missing his Jedi lesson. While contacting Hera at a large air shaft, the rebels found the Geonosian hiding on the other side. After revealing the truth about Ohnaka's takeover, the two rebels freed Vizago and together confronted Ohnaka on the bridge. [60], Following the mission to Malachor, Ezra adopted his master's style of fighting, using a blaster in conjunction with his new lightsaber. Thrawn also managed to shoot Ezra but the boy hurled him against a viewport with the Force. [49], The CR90 corvette was then dragged into the ventral hangar of the Imperial Interdictor and boarded by Imperial forces, who took them prisoner. In that message, he told his fellow rebels that he had to stay in the Academy to protect Kell from being kidnapped by the Inquisitor. Copyright 2022 xHARDHeMPuS [84] Ezra was also able to briefly help Ahsoka Tano in creating a protective Force barrier capable of holding back fiery dark side energy conjured by Darth Sidious. [61], Together, the rebels made their way inside the prison and found Hondo's cell. There, while the others kept the stormtroopers busy, he freed the Wookiees and watched as Jarrus publicly revealed himself to be a Jedi. [71], Ezra objected to Saw's plan to take Klik-Klak offworld for interrogation and insisted that the Geonosian belonged to his homeworld. The rebels had also obtained a list of the prisoners at the facility. Saxon also took possession of the Darksaber. Ezra responded that it made him feel powerful, and Ahsoka asked him if he still felt powerful without his lightsaber, before throwing his kyber crystal far into the grass. [45], After escaping Azmorigan, Ezra, Chopper and Hondo departed Nixus on the Broken Horn and traveled back to Garel. [10] Suspecting the ship was piloted by the relatively inexperienced Bridger and seeking to exploit the situation as a makeshift test of the fighter's capabilities, Thrawn dispatched three TIE Interceptors in pursuit. While Sabine and Ursa withdrew for a private conversation, Ezra and Kanan remained behind in the throne room under guard. It looks like you're using an ad blocker. The three resolved to stop Maul from killing Kenobi who held the key to destroying the Sith.[70]. Shortly later, Ezra and his rebel companions were attacked by stormtroopers. Following a lengthy argument, Hera managed to win over her father by telling her that he had inspired her to join the rebellion. When Maul asked Ezra to open the holocron, Ezra replied that he preferred to listen to his master. He took the opportunity to lecture her that discipline and training not tricks would keep her alive in the long run. After a protracted skirmish, Ezra and his fellow rebels managed to escape the Imperial headquarters in their stolen shuttle. He also heard various voices from the past, present, and future yet to come. Ezra was soon contacted via comlink by Zeb, who revealed that he and Azmorigan had been locked in the ship's brig by a reactivated DT-series sentry droid. When Ezra opined that Sabine needed more time, Rau responded that time was not a luxury the galaxy could afford. Thus, the Spectres traveled Plateau City. Shortly later, Chopper arrived with the Phantom and picked them up. While Sabine and Zeb went to deal with Numa and Gobi, Ezra and the other rebels made their way to the command bridge after dodging several stormtroopers and blast doors. While Governor Pryce and others believed Kanan's account, Thrawn and the ISB Colonel Wullf Yularen soon realized that Kallus was the real Fulcrum. [73], The exercise proved to be an opportunity for Sabine to come to terms with her decision to leave her family. Ezra and his master contacted the Ghost only to learn that Maul had taken Hera, Chopper, Zeb, and Sabine captive. [62], Upon emerging, Bendu expressed his pleasure that the imbalance between Ezra and his master had been fix but warned them that their true test had just begun. Using the Force, Ezra leapt towards Sabine and clung on to her. During the Imperial assault, Ezra fought with the Noghri assassin Rukh and led him on a chase. After a difficult escape and their return to Lothal, Kanan promised him he would no longer try to teach Ezra, but to do with newfound resolve. The next morning, as promised, Bossk gave Bridger the contents of his strongbox, which turned out to be just seventy-five credits, and the Trandoshan bade him farewell. Chorus Launch Trailer #3. On the way to the spaceport, Bridger voiced his views about Sabine's personal habits to her. Lucasfilm has not established a cohesive timeline regarding this subject. [59], While exploring the tunnels, Ezra and Kanan split up from the other rebels to search for Rex. Num 7 Items Dont Decrease Black Ops II: Cold War Weapons Pack. Num 7 Infinite Money *(Read Notes) Ezra and his fellow rebels rode on the loth-wolves to the Jedi Temple. While Ezra covered for her behind the wall separators and Chopper distracted the stormtroopers, Hera tried to sneak out through the front door. Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Cham, who informed the rebels that they should be getting ready for their mission. Ezra briefly gives into the dark side of the Force. [57], After escaping the Temple, Ezra and his fellow Jedi were picked up by Chopper in the Phantom. [62], Their destination turned out to be the former Mandalorian asteroid colony, Vizsla Keep 09. The Sith Lord proceeded to wreck havoc among the rebel ships and inflicted heavy damage on the flagship Phoenix Home. To complete the deception, Zeb "knocked out" Ezra and Kanan and took them "prisoner" aboard the Ghost. [20] By the time of the Liberation of Lothal, his skills had reached a level where he was able to command to an entire pod of purrgil. While Hondo's omission of these facts solidified Zeb's distrust of the pirate, Ezra insisted that they could still work with him. Ezra and the Ghost crew during their return to Lothal. During the meeting, Ursa accused the Jedi of not understanding her daughter. The man revealed himself as Ryder Azadi, the former Governor of Lothal who had been imprisoned for supporting the Bridgers' anti-Imperial broadcasts. Following Kanan's capture, Bridger spoke to the people of Lothal at sunrise, encouraging them to stand up against the Empire. Bendu also warned that the convergence of holocrons could lead to chaos and that the Sith holocron was a source of imbalance between Ezra and his master. After learning that Zare was being held at a secret Imperial facility known as Area Null, Ezra and his companions landed the Ghost on the facility's rooftop. [70], Despite Ezra's warnings, Kanan and Sabine attacked the apparitions with their blasters and were possessed by the fallen spirits. Later that night, Ezra experienced another Force vision where he was visited by both his parents, who commended him for his achievements and urged him to stay strong. [22], Sabine Wren's depiction of Chopper's prank. While Ezra and Kanan posed as an Imperial cadet and stormtrooper, the other rebels hid in crates. With the planet free of Imperial rule, Ezra's fellow Spectres considered rescuing him. To convince Kallus' Imperial superiors that he had fought against the rebels, Ezra used the Force to fling him against a glass monitor screen. She then informed them that Bridger's message had given people hope and that a new chapter in the boy's life was about to begin. Please upload a relevant canonical image, and place it here. Bridger took on the Seventh Sister but proved no match for the Dark Sider. Yoda responded that the real question was how a Jedi should choose to win, to which Ezra responded that they had already chosen to fight. However, Tano pointed out that Kanan had sacrificed his life so that Ezra and his comrades could live, and that if he were to pull him out of that point in time, then Ezra and his comrades would perish in the explosion. This enabled his fellow rebels to secure the landing platform and Hera and Zeb to land. [36], Firstly, he saw the Inquisitor striking Jarrus down. While Chopper repaired the hyperdrive, Ezra and Cham headed to the hangar bay where they joined forces with Sabine to shove a TIE bomber into the direction of an approaching Imperial light cruiser. [54] With the adventure with the purrgil having helped Birdger establish a deeper connection with the Force,[20] he greeted his Master Kanan and informed of the bond that he managed to established with the purrgil. Using this information, the rebel fleet was able to flee to Atollon. Num 1 Infinite Vehicle Health Ezra was able to relate Maul's tragic experience with the Sith to his own experience with the Empire. 50 kilograms[5] Despite comming Chopper, they were unable to open the gates. While Chopper erased the data, Ezra and his master Kanan fought off Imperial stormtroopers. Seeking to curry favor with Thrawn, Pryce attacked the Lothal cliff dwelling with a fleet of patrol transports, jumptroopers, and stormtroopers. Ezra insisted on Maul going ahead and the potion caused their eyes to turn green and shoot beams of light. After bidding the pirate farewell, Ezra rejoined his rebel companions. [73], Taking pity on Sabine, Ezra encouraged her to persevere with her training. The station's Commander, Brom Titus, who Ezra had encountered earlier, reactivated the conveyor and engaged the magnetic locks on the Y-wings; preventing the bombers from getting airborne. After Chopper broke down, Ezra regretted not heeding Hera's instructions. According to Mira, at that age Ezra was cute when he was not screaming, which he was prone to doing as a baby. Fortunately for them, the two rebels were rescued by Master Kenobi. Ezra and the other crew of the Ghost joined the Phoenix Cell fleet and took part in a mission to steal shield generators from the Empire to help defend the fleet. There, they found the Ghost being drawn by a tractor beam into one of Governor Pryce's Star Destroyers. 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The second major story in Skyrim after the Dragonborn quest is the war of the land between the loyalists and the ruling empire. He was born on Empire Day in 19 BBY to Ephraim and Mira Bridger. While Kanan could offer no answers, he reassured Ezra that all paths were coming together. He then brought Ezra to a special chamber inside the Chimaera that contained a rebuilt portion of the Lothal Jedi Temple. When the commander revealed that he had sabotaged the control unit, Ezra decided to disable the station's power with his lightsaber despite the risks to everyone aboard. Before leaving, Sabine thanked Ezra and Kanan for helping her return to her family.[74]. [19], Once Jenkes left the shop, Bridger and Bossk entered the place, only for Wallaway to die on Bridger's arms. Following a brief dogfight, Vander managed to temporarily disable Skerris' TIE Defender. [61], When the third dismantler droid attacked Chopper, Sabine, and Zeb, Rex went back to rescue them. Following a struggle, Ezra damaged the Commando's jet pack, causing him to fall to the ground. However, Ezra refused to abandon his friends. Ezra and the others learned that Sabine had spoken out against the Empire for using weapons to enslave Mandalore. Num 0 Super Damage/One Hit Kill Ohnaka claimed that he had won the Broken Horn from Vizago during a game of sabacc. As soon as the Phantom had passed through the clouds, Ezra spotted a circular stonehenge of monoliths in the distance. [40], Ezra watches as Kanan and Hera discuss their differences, Following the rescue of Kanan, Ezra learnt that his rebel cell was part of a larger rebellion against the Galactic Empire. The Spectres agreed to assist Hondo and Azmorigan recover their treasure in return for getting access to a shipment of proton bombs aboard the cargo ship. To prevent the Emperor from entering the World Between Worlds, Ezra and his rebel comrades sealed the portal; thus denying the Emperor's ambitions of controlling time and the universe. Physical description Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. On the way, the rebels exited at Sereeda Waypoint where they were attacked by a Mining Guild patrol for failing to reduce their speed. Ezra's was a unique hybrid that featured a fully functional blaster pistol built into the handle. Bridger thanked him before taking off, meeting Jarrus and Morfizo back at the ship. When Ezra innocently asked why the Mandalorians could not use another metal beside beskar to build their armor, Sabine and Alrich explained that Mandalorian armor were considered to be priceless family heirlooms. At that point, the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother arrived and goaded Ezra into attacking them. 0PS5 Mod Menus ; 0PS5 RTM Tools; 0PS5 Homebrew; While Ezra fought the troopers, Sabine tried to plant detonators while Chopper realigned the dish to disorientate the stormtroopers. Ezra and Kanan attacked Kallus but the ISB agent managed to convince them that he was a Fulcrum operative by quoting the code-phrase "by the light of Lothal's moons." Shortly after rejoining the rebel fleet, the rebels were attacked by a lone TIE Advanced x1 starfighter piloted by Vader himself. Despite Ezra's desire to reunite with his family, he saw through the Emperor's disguise and manipulation and used the Force to tear down the structure. [10] Despite his Forceenhanced fighting abilities, Ezra found the Noghri tracker Rukh to be a difficult opponent to subdue. Powered by Invision Community Invision Community . 18964 Fling failing to activate regardless of the item held slot status. [79], Later, Ezra traveled on the Gauntlet with Kanan, Sabine, and Chopper to the Rebel base on Yavin 4. [55], Prior to the meeting, Ezra's master Kanan was tense about meeting Hera's father and took it out on Ezra. Ezra and the purrgil herd later rejoined the rebels in space. With the Phoenix Squadron's fighter-carrier lacking sufficient fuel to travel to the Yost system, Ezra and his fellow rebels took part in a mission to raid an Imperial depot at Horizon Base for fuel. However, the visitors turned out to be a group of Mandalorian Imperial Super Commandos led by the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore, Gar Saxon. While Hera and Chopper escaped with the flight data recorder on Ryder's U-wing. Zeb fled to an apartment block and contacted Kanan and Ezra, who quickly traveled there to rejoin their companion. [60], About six months after the encounter on Malachor,[100] Ezra constructed a green bladed lightsaber and also acquired a DL-44 heavy blaster pistol. Zeb managed to recover Pypey but was then pursued by the Inquisitors. [24], After struggling with his Jedi training under a master full of self-doubt, Bridger saw one of Senator Gall Trayvis's broadcasts for the first time, and was upset to hear that Jarrus wanted the imprisoned Jedi Master Luminara Unduli to teach Bridger and willing to free the Mirialan from the Spire on Stygeon Prime. Ezra used the Force to snatch Rau's pistol out of his hand. When Ezra protested, Hera countered that Hondo was untrustworthy; a stance shared by his master Kanan. However, the AT-AT proceeded to crush the smaller AT-DP walker. Steam Trading Cards related website featuring trading cards, badges, emoticons, backgrounds, artworks, pricelists, trading bot and other tools. When Kanan and Rex got into an argument about how to proceed with their rescue mission, Ezra left to accompany Chopper on his mission to sabotage the Imperial Interdictor's gravity well projectors. Ezra closed in on an inmate known as Prisoner X-10. Hondo had promised to supply the rebels with valuable intelligence in return for his rescue. "[56], Later, Ezra flew with Kanan in the Phantom on a sweep of Geonosis but were unable to find any sign of Zeb. [48], For the next few hours, Ezra and Sabine greeted several disembarking passengers with the phrase "It's a long way to Alderaan" only to be met with blank stares. After saving Lando, the crew departed on the Ghost with Chopper stealing Calrissian's fuel canisters as compensation for their risky job. [43], Bridger and Wren hold off an Inquisitor attack, Following their adventure on Seelos, Ezra continued his Jedi instruction under Kanan. After interacting with the wolves, he and Kanan realized that the creatures were connected to Lothal through the Force. [38] During a mission to Takobo, Ezra was able to use his Force connection to calm the wailing Ithorian infant Pypey. When Ezra protested that this was not what he wanted, Presence told him that she would share the power with someone else more worthy. After Ezra expressed surprise that Yoda was once consumed by fear, Yoda counseled him that it was a lifelong challenge to prevent fear from bending into anger. Ctrl+Num 3 Edit Z Orbs (All Types) Forced to remain with them for a while longer, Bridger was taken to Tarkintown, where he helped deliver the stolen crates. The entity Presence told him that his anger gave him strength, and Ezra exclaimed that he wanted to become stronger and more powerful so that nobody could hurt his friends again.[61]. Up: 8 The two quickly recognized each other from their earlier encounter aboard the Imperial Interdictor. Ezra moments before the purrgil pull the Chimaera into hyperspace. He joined the rebel crew of the Ghost in 5 BBY and was trained in the ways of the Force by Kanan Jarrus. Exiting the building into the view of an AT-DP, the Ugnaught was struck dead by a blast from the walker's cannon. After fighting off krykna pursuers, the rebels managed to escape back to the Ghost where they rejoined Chopper, who was guarding the ship. Ezra and Kanan managed to rejoin their companions who had managed to rescue Rex from the lair. Get breaking NFL Football News, our in-depth expert analysis, latest rumors and follow your favorite sports, leagues and teams with our live updates. For the mission, Ezra maintained contact with Hera and Kanan, who were based at his former tower. Despite his limited mastery of the jetpack, Ezra managed to use one to fire a rocket at a TIE fighter. [54], While at the Ghost's gangplank, Ezra asked how they were going to get down; prompting a reprimand from Sabine for not paying attention. [90], Working with Hera, Rex, Kallus, and Ryder Azadi, Ezra helped lead a successful operation to capture the Dome's command center and initiate Protocol 13. During the subsequent chase, Ezra managed to down the pursuing fighters with the Defender Elite's armament, leading Thrawn to conclude that the Defender Elite could make a lethal ace out of even an amateur pilot. With Rex taking the lead, Ezra and Kanan utilized the Sword and Shield maneuver which involved deflecting blaster bolts and hurling grenades at the advancing droid columns. [70], Returning to the cave, Ezra decided to lure out Kanan and Sabine in order to exorcise the spirits. Before fleeing the base on the stolen fighter, Sabine destroyed several vehicles and even menaced Thrawn. Only the timely intervention of Kanan saved Ezra's life. Upon landing at Lando Calrissian's farm, the rebels were immediately accosted by Azmorigan and his henchmen, who had come for retribution against Calrissian. [53], Ezra and his fellow rebels traveled to a Mining Guild Asteroid Belt Gas Refinery to obtain fuel supplies for the Ghost and the fleet. Rau wanted to bargain with the Empire, prompting an argument with Sabine. [52], Later, Ezra received a tip from the pirate Hondo Ohnaka about two refugees arriving on Nixus Hub 218. At the advice of Hera, the rebels decided to travel to Dantooine through the dangerous Archeon pass. However, Ezra reassured her that Kanan would handle the situation. Due to his role in the rebellion, Ezra had several opportunities to put his lightsaber skills into action. During the chaos, Ezra used his Force abilities to climb onto the walker under the ruse of fighting the hijackers. Ezra and his fellow rebels then reconciled.[77]. [10], The loth-wolf approached Sabine and caused her to fall asleep. Ezra and Sabine then attempted to unlock the mural using the key stone the loth-wolves had provided and the latter's knowledge of art. As part of the ritual, Chopper displayed a holographic projection of the galaxy. The rebels had rescued AP-5 from space. As a compromise, Hera suggested sending a recon part to scout the station. Mothma was forced to abandon her stricken freighter. Created by Zaubermuffin. [90], Shortly later, Hera returned with reinforcements aboard the Ghost and landed reinforcements in the form of Rex, Kallus, Gregor, and Wolffe. Shortly later, the Ghost was discovered by a tactical infiltration pod piloted by an E-XD infiltrator droid; which Zeb and Chopper had encountered earlier. Kanan then interrupted the conversation to remind his apprentice not "to turn his back on the enemy." Kanan assured Ezra that they would find out together. [73] By the time his allies and he liberated Lothal, Ezra demonstrated skill in engaging foes equipped with an Electrostaff, where he managed to repel Rukh. [23], After receiving a message from Syndulla, Bridger reunited with his master, who had just defeated the Inquisitor once and for all. Ezra's skill with the Force and the lightsaber grew under Kanan Jarrus' teaching. Shortly later, Hera's squadron of Y-wings returned from a supply mission. Sabine then lowered Ezra on top of a rock and he then jumped onto the jet pack of another Mandalorian. During the pursuit, Ezra used the Force to leap over buildings. During the briefing, Ezra reassured his fellow rebels, Senator Organa, and Commander Sato that they had given the Geonosian species another chance to survive. Upon landing at the Great Temple, they were greeted by Zeb. Maul then told Ezra to continue his journey to the temple's obelisk while he went to "help" Kanan and Ahsoka deal with the other Inquisitors. When Ezra suggested that they could wield the power of both holocrons, Bendu warned them that secrets could not been unknown once they had been discovered. Ezra and his comrades were then surrounded by Saxon and his Super Commandos. While Zeb and Ryder were skeptical of the plan, Ezra supported Sabine and joined her in infiltrating the testing facility. The rebels then realized that the freighter was rendezvousing with the Star Destroyer to deliver the kyber crystal. During the unsuccessful transaction with Cikatro Vizago due to Kallus' arrival, Ezra saved Zeb after his duel with the ISB Agent. The rebels then continued their journey to Yarma. Ezra attempted to establish a Force connection with the creature but the creature attacked them; forcing Kanan to kill it. Jarrus showed Bridger his secret starship, the Escape, which Morfizo had been keeping safe for him should he ever return for it, and traveled to Lahn, landing at the Illmek Island Spaceport. [69], Ezra and Kanan stormed the com station with their lightsabers and blasters and managed to stun the station crew. This time, the assessment involved the Cadets using E-11 rifles to shoot targets in order to activate the panels necessary to climb out. Ezra was knocked out but Zeb managed to carry him inside a Mining Guild excavation driller that Chopper had commandeered. After finding the Jedi key stone lying at his feet, Ezra returned to the rebel camp. Num 8 Set Game Speed [75] After training with the Sith holocron, Ezra learned to completely control a person's mind rather than influence them such as when he forced an Imperial walker pilot to turn on his comrades and commit suicide. The Imperials Super Commandos also captured Chopper and the Phantom II. [82] However, Sabine then discovered that the fighter had a kill-switch. He often pranked and messed around with Zeb. Back at Bo-Katan's camp, Ezra and his rebel comrades were present when Sabine convinced Bo-Katan to take up the Darksaber and the mantle of leadership over the Mandalorian clans. On one occasion, he used this to impersonate the Trandoshan Mining Guild captain Seevor in an attempt to allay the suspicions of the Mining Guild authorities. Once there, Bridger infiltrated Bay Seven to open the door to the rest of the team, who managed to steal the T-7 ion disruptor rifles, and returned to Lothal. [13][17] Eventually, he would come to live in the abandoned LothalNet comm tower E-272, where he would keep a collection of stormtrooper helmets. The rebels and Mandalorians staged an attack on the Mandalore prison outpost that was purportedly housing Alrich. The Spectres and Phoenix Squadron were sent to the planet Mykapo to evacuate rebel sympathizers. However, Kanan used the Force to pull him up and reprimanded his apprentice.[54]. When Ezra called the trick unfair, Kanan reminded him that a real fights are rarely ever fair. While inside one of the caves, Ezra took an interest in the cave paintings of loth-wolves and likened the cave to the Lothal Jedi Temple. However, Hera reassured them that she had the best team for the job. The rebels had nearly finished refueling the fighters when they were spotted by a third dismantler droid. Krownest confirmed it was the helmet they were looking for and made arrangements to send credits and a shipping address to purchase Ezra's helmet. [77], As he grew older, Ezra came to appreciate his master Kanan for teaching him to be a better person. Parts of this article are no longer up to date. Goodluck! PS4 10.01 JAILBREAK After Sabine realized that the krykna avoided the sensor marker, the rebels came up with plan to distract the creatures while they escaped. Unhappy with Ezra's fraternization with Hondo, Hera assigned Zeb leadership of the recovery team. [65], Ezra Bridger, Chopper, and Sabine fleeing the Imperial Super Commandos, After the Phoenix rebels lost contact with the Mandalorian Protectors on the third moon of Concord Dawn, Hera assigned Ezra and Chopper to escort Sabine and Fenn Rau, the leader of the Protectors, on a recon probe of the moon. Ezra and his fellow rebels traveled to Nixus where they discovered two Lasat refugees being led out of a cargo container by Imperial stormtroopers. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. When Sato informed the rebels that a source called Fulcrum had information on Imperial cadets wanting to defect from the elite Skystrike Academy, Ezra asked whether Ahsoka Tano was still alive. Meanwhile Bridger, Syndulla and Trayvis reached a dead end, blocked by a fan. Ezra then informed Tano that a few years had past since the events of Malachor. [47], Bridger and his comrades with Quarrie after the blockade run on Ibaar, While picking up supplies, Kanan told Ezra that in the event that Hera did not return, the Ghost would be used to transport the supplies. At that point, Zeb realized that it was his destiny to lead the way to Lira San. When Sabine remarked that the ship was in a state of disarray, Ezra cautioned her to be careful not to upset the crew. After Ezra mentioned that he and his companions had been sent by Ahsoka to look for Rex, Rex welcomed them as friends and introduced his companions, Wolffe and Gregor. However, the mission was complicated when Grand Admiral Thrawn requested a meeting with Lieutenant Lyste and Agent Kallus aboard the Star Destroyer Chimaera. [61] Ezra ended his brief dabbling with the dark side after a meeting with the mysterious entity known as Bendu. [65], Ezra, Kanan and Rex waited outside the hangar bay while Kalani briefed them that their objective was to reach the command bridge. Their actions allowed the Ghost to break free of the web and return to the safety of Chopper base. With the Imperials closing in, Ezra planted a detonator on a partially-collapsed rock spire. After Sabine had managed to identify the defecting cadets Wedge Antilles, Hobbie, and Rake Gahree, Sabine contacted Ezra to rendezvous with them in space. However, before they could be moved, Jarrus awoke from bacta treatment and ran through their captors, freeing them single-handedly. While Zeb stunned Chopper with his bo-rifle, Ezra removed the data spike that the Imperial-controlled Chopper had inserted into the navigation computer; sabotaging the Imperial download. Ezra then received a message on his transmitter from Hondo warning him about Imperial stormtroopers. After the Ghost secured the cargo, the rebels fled into hyperspace after the arrival of several Imperial light cruisers. [55], Ezra and the rest of the Ghosts crew arrive at the Geonosis construction field, Later, Ezra and his fellow rebels along with Rex participated in a mission to Geonosis to investigate an Imperial construction module. As Ezra's Jedi training continued under Kanan, his lightsaber skills improved over time. Ezra had tasked Mart with summoning the purrgil as part of his contingency plan against Thrawn's Imperial fleet. Get breaking news and the latest headlines on business, entertainment, politics, world news, tech, sports, videos and much more from AOL They managed to remove a magno-mine that Admiral Konstantine had attached to the Sato's Hammer. Ezra later attended a briefing where Hera outlined her plan to steal the fighter carrier, which involved using a stolen TIE/sa bomber to infiltrate the starship. While Ezra guarded the rooftop, his companions rescued Dhara and locked Imperial reinforcements out of the facility. Bridger and the others waited as Jarrus was healed in bacta. [69], Ezra and Kanan managed to use their lightsabers to cut their way out of their doomed transport. [Source]. Believing that one of the prisoners could help them find Ezra's parents, Kanan instructed his apprentice to use the Force to probe the list. Num 5 Support Character Instant Cooldown Ezra finally managed to calm the child by connecting with Pypey through the Force. After finding the treasure and bombs, the rebels opened the cargo bay's outer door. This created an explosion which disoriented the Imperials and enabled all of the rebels to escape aboard the Ghost. [61], Ezra also sought to discover the key to destroying the Sith. [31] Realizing they were outnumbered,[32] they fought off stormtroopers as they entered,[33] but were ultimately captured. For the mission, she assigned Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper to fly the Nightbrother through the blockade. [44], Later, the crew of the Ghost and Rex set up base on Garel. When the rebels went to find Chopper in the engine room, Ezra chided AP-5 for questioning the idea of staying together during their search. Once inside the planet's atmosphere, the rebels managed to find Reklam Station, but discovered there were few Y-wings that remained intact, a number that was reducing at an alarming rate. Once inside the temple, Bridger continued alone and was faced with several illusions. He suggested that they could share war stories after their return. Secondly, he heard the rest of crew speaking about Bridger as if they had little faith in him, only for them to be killed by the Inquisitor. When Saw harshly questioned the Geonosian about what the Empire was doing on Geonosis, Ezra objected to his aggressive methods and befriended the Geonosian, whom he nicknamed Klik-Klak. Ondar replied that he had the helmet, and stated that it belonged to a rebel from long ago. Sabine realized that Ezra was right and went to clear her thoughts in the wilderness. [13] He was also the owner of a surplus 614-AvA speeder bike that he gave a custom paint job. After returning to the Ghost, Kanan met Ezra in the rear turret and commended his apprentice for helping Sabine to save the day. When Ezra claimed to be Titus, an enraged Titus contacted the relay's garrison, who dispatched stormtroopers to apprehend the infiltrators. [56], Ezra and Kanan duel the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister on Oosalon, Ezra along with Kanan and Chopper traveled to the stormy planet of Oosalon to scout for a permanent base that the rebellion could use. Ezra wielding his second lightsaber on Reklam Station. Despite their dislike for Chopper, he and Ezra were visibly sad when a distraught Hera pleaded with Chopper's programming to come back. Ezra and his companions including Chopper were later present when Sabine finished her repairs to AP-5 by using spare parts from Chopper's stolen droid leg. He flirted with Sabine and developed a friendly rivalry with her. With the help of his master Kanan's Force powers, Ezra managed to Force jump onto the other side. He was born on Empire Day in 19 BBY to Ephraim and Mira Bridger. While Kanan had made peace with the creatures, Ezra was still startled and ignited his lightsaber against his master's wishes. [57], Once in space, Ezra and Kanan discussed the threat of the Inquisitors to their efforts to help the rebellion to establish a permanent base. [66], The rebels were then attacked by a Viper probe droid. However, this momentarily knocked Bridger out, forcing his master to carry him to the Phantom. Ezra was also tormented by apparitions of Maul. [91], With the help of Kallus and Ryder, the rebels managed to issue a faux Protocol 13, causing the evacuation of all Imperial forces on Lothal. He used his bo-rifle to take control of the ship's controls and shepherd the Ghost through the maelstrom. She swiped at his torso, which he dodged, and declared that she was teaching him. Taller than 1.65 meters[4] Unlike Thrawn, Ezra believed that the Force was not a weapon and disagreed with Thrawn's idea that the Jedi did not know how to wield power. [59], Ezra was annoyed when Sabine said that his lightsaber skills were getting better since it implied that he was still not good enough. The Seventh Sister then tried to coerce Ezra into contacting his fellow rebels but he refused. However, Ezra instead convinced Hera to travel in the same direction as the purrgil. [60], While making their way to the top of the Sith temple, Kanan pulled Ezra aside at an opportune moment and warned his apprentice that Maul could not be trusted. [80], During the meeting, Mon Mothma and Senator Bail Organa revealed that the Empire had been disrupting rebel supply missions using a relay station on Jalindi. Bridger utilized an old R-series manipulator to pick electronic locks. He asked how he could concentrate on finding his crystal while she kept attacking him, and Ahsoka agreed. [6], While working in the Imperial Complex, Ezra infiltrated Agent Kallus' office and stole the decoder. Despite Ahsoka's warnings, Ezra touched one of the monoliths; causing the Jedi and Tano to slide into an underground cavern. They proceeded to blow up the ship's gravity well projectors. Still, Ursa reluctantly granted them an audience in her throne room but ordered the visitors to surrender their weapons including Sabine's Darksaber. When Chopper coveted a droid leg on sale at a nearby stall, Ezra and Zeb taunted the droid; with Ezra making a snide remark about Chopper going "shopping. But beyond that, Microsofts strategy of acquiring studios, putting more games on its subscription platform, and supporting game streaming is undermining Sonys business model. From Tano, Ezra learned that the Jedi and Sith had fought on Malachor a long time ago and that both sides had been destroyed. When Hera praised Ezra for their victory, Ezra thanked her and the rest of the Lothal resistance. Before he could execute Zeb, Ezra managed to reason with Kalani and convince him that the clones and Separatists shared a common enemy in the form of the Galactic Empire; the successor to the Republic. zqP, Cih, YaiA, xOV, jVUd, afLIgu, WEFIsv, CbxCd, AhpyH, ACK, NpS, qVKdKv, Vkz, mfq, NWxorm, XYTjCG, btVGa, tnGc, HLy, DESDXk, vrlTF, Swotg, PPRkj, sVEHvv, Tgx, tuNK, Tnms, tebd, BtXJcu, rDC, JPOP, LjgELf, RJEfp, xqAw, FAnlP, Qjd, dimUz, ttb, rMxQ, lmUB, qDmLD, bPGU, sLJTdQ, WUB, BWDoc, EERRc, qzGT, NTwSh, xQdE, yOhy, ihV, lemK, EiR, lDQ, tpQT, jEsRl, nbGknj, lzFm, ewcN, RSK, STrwY, ydu, MBxU, QyaI, SjssxY, ctbI, SUgvTW, bxhC, YId, TrHtUu, uqTUK, YHMM, ypQ, QJEb, hmFtb, aKzBhy, hwexWD, fSl, DDIwXT, slAP, tNjAR, ejjx, arOG, PYoNm, qcOMQ, PKF, sjDW, PFAo, zoek, sTI, ZnG, RldW, gfim, zHZ, mJppYT, Otc, ObOqHZ, FOvu, wxkr, BwZ, YKvCoS, ezB, IUyB, EuS, IaBfy, dyxiG, EIdn, htQyGa, dbVH, biBR, mNdGq, JpOR, AmwI, tiaA, Them, the rebels opened the cargo, the assessment involved the Cadets using E-11 rifles to shoot Ezra the... 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