Yolov4 Yolov3 use raw darknet *.weights and *.cfg fils. NVIDIA cuOpt is an Operations Research optimization API using AI to help developers create complex, real-time fleet routing workflows on NVIDIA GPUs. This feature can be enabled by setting enableBboxUnClipping: 1 under TargetManagement module in the low-level config file. https://github.com/triton-inference-server/server/blob/r22.07/README.md. The type of visual features to be used can be configured by setting useColorNames and/or useHog. pre_threshold: 0.3 Gst-nvinferserver gets control parameters from a configuration file. Therefore, NVIDIA recommends that users set maxTargetsPerStream large enough to accommodate the maximum number of objects of interest that may appear in a frame, as well as the objects that may have been tracked from the past frames in the shadow tracking mode. nms; How to enable TensorRT optimization for Tensorflow and ONNX models? Why do I see the below Error while processing H265 RTSP stream? Released. NVIDIA System Management is a software framework for monitoring server nodes, such as NVIDIA DGX servers, in a data center. }, The randomly generated upper 32-bit number allows the target IDs from a particular video stream to increment from a random position in the possible ID space. Configuration file for the low-level library if needed. The NvDsBatchMeta structure must already be attached to the Gst Buffers. It supports any low-level library that implements NvDsTracker API, including the the reference implementations provided by the NvMultiObjectTracker library: NvDCF, DeepSORT, and IOU trackers. default_filter { For the cases where the video stream sources are dynamically removed and added, the API call NvMOT_RemoveStreams() can be implemented to clean-up the resources no longer needed. /// Retrieve the past-frame data if there are, * This is a sample code for the method of `NvMOTContext::processFramePast()`, * to show what may need to happen when it is called in the above code for `NvMOT_ProcessPast` API, ///\ Indiate what streams we want to fetch past-frame data, /// Remove the specified video stream from the low-level tracker context, * This is a sample code for the method of `NvMOTContext::removeStream()`, * to show what may need to happen when it is called in the above code for `NvMOT_RemoveStreams` API, * The stream context holds all necessary state to perform multi-object tracking, * Internal implementation of NvMOT_Process(), * @param [in] pParam Pointer to parameters for the frame to be processed, * @param [out] pTrackedObjectsBatch Pointer to object tracks output, * @brief Output the past-frame data if there are, * Internal implementation of NvMOT_ProcessPast(), * @param [out] pPastFrameObjectsBatch Pointer to past frame object tracks output, * @brief Terminate trackers and release resources for a stream when the stream is removed, * Internal implementation of NvMOT_RemoveStreams(), * @param [in] streamIdMask removed stream ID, * Users can include an actual tracker implementation here as a member, * `IMultiObjectTracker` can be assumed to an user-defined interface class, Install librdkafka (to enable Kafka protocol adaptor for message broker), Run deepstream-app (the reference application), Remove all previous DeepStream installations, Install CUDA Toolkit 11.7.1 (CUDA 11.7 Update 1) and NVIDIA driver 515.65.01, Run the deepstream-app (the reference application), dGPU Setup for RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), DeepStream Triton Inference Server Usage Guidelines, Creating custom DeepStream docker for dGPU using DeepStreamSDK package, Creating custom DeepStream docker for Jetson using DeepStreamSDK package, Usage of heavy TRT base dockers since DS 6.1.1, Recommended Minimal L4T Setup necessary to run the new docker images on Jetson, Python Sample Apps and Bindings Source Details, Python Bindings and Application Development, DeepStream Reference Application - deepstream-app, Expected Output for the DeepStream Reference Application (deepstream-app), DeepStream Reference Application - deepstream-test5 app, IoT Protocols supported and cloud configuration, DeepStream Reference Application - deepstream-audio app, DeepStream Audio Reference Application Architecture and Sample Graphs, DeepStream Reference Application - deepstream-nmos app, Using Easy-NMOS for NMOS Registry and Controller, DeepStream Reference Application on GitHub, Implementing a Custom GStreamer Plugin with OpenCV Integration Example, Description of the Sample Plugin: gst-dsexample, Enabling and configuring the sample plugin, Using the sample plugin in a custom application/pipeline, Implementing Custom Logic Within the Sample Plugin, Custom YOLO Model in the DeepStream YOLO App, Components Common Configuration Specifications, libnvds_3d_dataloader_realsense Configuration Specifications, libnvds_3d_depth2point_datafilter Configuration Specifications, libnvds_3d_gl_datarender Configuration Specifications, libnvds_3d_depth_datasource Depth file source Specific Configuration Specifications, Configuration File Settings for Performance Measurement, IModelParser Interface for Custom Model Parsing, Configure TLS options in Kafka config file for DeepStream, Choosing Between 2-way TLS and SASL/Plain, Setup for RTMP/RTSP Input streams for testing, Pipelines with existing nvstreammux component, Reference AVSync + ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) Pipelines with existing nvstreammux, Reference AVSync + ASR Pipelines (with new nvstreammux), Gst-pipeline with audiomuxer (single source, without ASR + new nvstreammux), DeepStream 3D Action Recognition App Configuration Specifications, Custom sequence preprocess lib user settings, Build Custom sequence preprocess lib and application From Source, Depth Color Capture to 2D Rendering Pipeline Overview, Depth Color Capture to 3D Point Cloud Processing and Rendering, Run RealSense Camera for Depth Capture and 2D Rendering Examples, Run 3D Depth Capture, Point Cloud filter, and 3D Points Rendering Examples, DeepStream 3D Depth Camera App Configuration Specifications, DS3D Custom Components Configuration Specifications, Networked Media Open Specifications (NMOS) in DeepStream, Application Migration to DeepStream 6.1.1 from DeepStream 6.0, Running DeepStream 6.0 compiled Apps in DeepStream 6.1.1, Compiling DeepStream 6.0 Apps in DeepStream 6.1.1, User/Custom Metadata Addition inside NvDsBatchMeta, Adding Custom Meta in Gst Plugins Upstream from Gst-nvstreammux, Adding metadata to the plugin before Gst-nvstreammux, Gst-nvdspreprocess File Configuration Specifications, Gst-nvinfer File Configuration Specifications, Clustering algorithms supported by nvinfer, To read or parse inference raw tensor data of output layers, Gst-nvinferserver Configuration File Specifications, Tensor Metadata Output for Downstream Plugins, NvDsTracker API for Low-Level Tracker Library, Unified Tracker Architecture for Composable Multi-Object Tracker, Visualization of Sample Outputs and Correlation Responses, Low-Level Tracker Comparisons and Tradeoffs, How to Implement a Custom Low-Level Tracker Library, NvStreamMux Tuning Solutions for specific use cases, 3.1. Sample Application Source Details; Python Bindings and Application Development. Creating Applications in It is oneof clustering_policy, nms { It can be of type float / half / int8 / uint8 / int16 / uint16 / int32 / uint32. This section presents the visualization of some sample outputs and internal states (such as correlation responses for a few selected targets) to help users to better understand how the NvDCF tracker works, especially on the visual tracker module. Build OpenCV from source code. use IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB by default. in range of [0.2, 0.6]) in case Tensorflow uses up whole GPU memory. { key: 2, From those vantage points, more occlusions can occur at the lower part of the body of persons or vehicles by other persons or vehicles. This archives section provides access to previously released JetPack, L4T, and L4T Multimedia documentation versions. Applicable for x86 dGPU platform, not supported on Jetson devices. The error handling mechanisms like Late Activation and Shadow Tracking are integral part of the target management module of the NvMultiObjectTracker library; thus, such features are inherently enabled in the IOU tracker. Dive deeper into the latest CUDA features. input: init_state Each model also needs a specific config.pbtxt file in its subdirectory. NVIDIA Triton Inference Server (formerly TensorRT Inference Server) provides a cloud inferencing solution optimized for NVIDIA GPUs. 1, WARNING; A sample config file for the DeepSORT tracker is provided as a part of the DeepStream SDK package, which is config_tracker_DeepSORT.yml. Refer to the following README https://github.com/triton-inference-server/server/blob/r22.07/README.md Why is the Gst-nvstreammux plugin required in DeepStream 4.0+? }. How do I configure the pipeline to get NTP timestamps? min_boxes: 3 The resulting output video of the aforementioned pipeline with (DetectNet_v2 + NMS + NvDCF) is shown below: While the video above shows the per-stream output, each animated figure below shows (1) the cropped & scaled image patch used for each target on the left side and (2) the corresponding correlation response map for the target on the right side. An unmatched detector object is considered as a newly observed object that needs to be tracked, unless they are determined to be duplicates to any of the existing target. DeepStream applications can be created without coding using the Graph Composer. Use the provided low-level config file for DeepSORT (i.e., config_tracker_DeepSORT.yml) in gst-nvtracker plugin, and change uffFile to match UFF model path. How can I specify RTSP streaming of DeepStream output? It can detect both Person and Car as well as Bicycle and Road sign. DeepStream SDK DeepStream 6.0 Release Notes DeepStream SDK Development Guide DeepStream SDK API Reference DeepStream Plugin Manual DeepStream Python API, DeepStream GStreamer AIUSB/CSI/RTSPDeepStream SDK , DeepStream JetsonUbuntudGPURedHatdGPU, DeepStream SDKVICGPUDLANVDECNVENCDeepStream, DeepStream CUDA-X NVIDIA CUDAtensorRTTriton Inference, deepstream GroupGroup Configuration Groups Group, deepstream , PythonAINVIDIAPythonPythonAIDeepStream Python Gst-Python API, DeepStream Reference Application - deepstream-app, /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.0/sources/apps/sample_apps/deepstream-app, deepstream-app deepstream SDK, Deepstream6.0tensorRT8.0.1tensorRT 8.xtensorRT 7.xtensorRT 7.xtensorRT 8.x. Documentation for CUDA Libraries, including cuBLAS, cuSOLVER, cuSPARSE, cuFFT, cuRAND, nvJPEG, and NPP. } What is the difference between DeepStream classification and Triton classification? The NVIDIA HPC SDK is a comprehensive suite of compilers, libraries, and development tools used for developing HPC applications for the NVIDIA platform. confidence_threshold: 0.3 For Triton models output, TRTSERVER_MEMORY_GPU and TRTSERVER_MEMORY_CPU buffer allocation are supported in nvds_infer_server according to Triton output request. deepstream-app: pipeline works with PGIE / SGIE / nvtracker. The nvprof profiling tool enables you to collect and view profiling data from the command-line. When executing a graph, the execution ends immediately with the warning No system specified. The color formats supported for the input video frame by the NvTracker plugin are NV12 and RGBA. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. 5.1 Adding GstMeta to buffers before nvstreammux. GStreamer Plugin Overview; MetaData in the DeepStream SDK. See more details for each message definition. I started the record with a set duration. Then a pre-trained convolutional neural network model is used to process the objects in batches and outputs a fixed-dimension vector with L2 norm equal to 1 for each detector object as the Re-ID feature. If there are multiple detector bboxes (i.e., purple x) around the target like the one in the figure below, the data association module will take care of the matching based on the visual similairty score and the configured weight and minimum value, which are matchingScoreWeight4VisualSimilarity and minMatchingScore4VisualSimilarity, respectively. NVIDIA AI Enterprise is an end-to-end, cloud-native suite of AI and data analytics software, optimized, certified and supported by NVIDIA to run on VMware vSphere with NVIDIA-Certified Systems. The NVIDIA Video Codec SDK provides a comprehensive set of APIs, samples, and documentation for fully hardware-accelerated video encoding, decoding, and transcoding on Windows and Linux platforms. A script and README file to setup the model are provided in sources/tracker_DeepSORT for the convenience of the users. How to tune GPU memory for Tensorflow models? Map of specific detection parameters per class. Does Gst-nvinferserver support Triton multiple instance groups? The default implementation performs caps (re)negotiation, then QoS if needed, and places the input buffer into the queued_buf member variable. Gst Buffer (as a frame batch from available source streams). If you want to use the libdetector.so lib in your own project,this cmake file perhaps could help you . root: ../triton_model_repo DetectNet_v2 is one of the pre-trained models that users can download from NVIDIA NGC catalog, and also the one with ResNet-10 as backbone is packaged as a part of DeepStream SDK release as well. It is oneof process_type, Specify other network parameters. The query reply structure, NvMOTQuery, contains the following fields: NvMOTCompute computeConfig: Report compute targets supported by the library. How can I determine whether X11 is running? Below is the sample output of the pipeline: Note that with interval=2, the computational load for the inferencing for object detection is only a third compared to that with interval=0, dramatically improving the overall pipeline performance. >=3, VERBOSE Level, Enable Triton strict model configuration, see details in Triton Generated Model Configuration. TensorRT8.Support Yolov5n,s,m,l,x .darknet -> tensorrt. NVIDIA Nsight Visual Studio Edition (VSE) is an application development environment for heterogeneous platforms that brings GPU computing into Microsoft Visual Studio. b: 0.0 To get this metadata you must iterate over the NvDsUserMeta user metadata objects in the list referenced by frame_user_meta_list or obj_user_meta_list. The NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit provides a comprehensive development environment for C and C++ developers building GPU-accelerated applications. see details in DetectionParams, Specify classification parameters for the network The correlation filters are generated with an attention window (using a Hanning window) applied at the center of the target bbox. The past-frame data can be retrieved from the low-level library and outputted to batch_user_meta_list in NvDsBatchMeta as a user-meta: pParams is a pointer to the input batch of frames to process. For 0.10, Gian Mario Tagliaretti has written some documents for using GStreamer Python which you can find at this page.def do_submit_input_buffer (trans, is_discont, input): #python implementation of the 'submit_input_buffer' virtual method Function which accepts a new input buffer and pre-processes it. As part of this API, the plugin queries the low-level library for capabilities and requirements concerning the input format, memory type, and batch processing support. Whenever a target is not associated with a detector object for a given time frame, an internal variable of the target called shadowTrackingAge is incremented. IMAGE_FORMAT_GRAY If a frame has no output object attribute data, it is still counted in numFilled and is represented with an empty list entry (NvMOTTrackedObjList). What are the sample pipelines for nvstreamdemux? Use Tritons defult value (around 256MB) if not set. See also the Troubleshooting in NvDCF Parameter Tuning section for solutions to common problems in tracker behavior and tuning. Once the number of objects being tracked reaches the configured maximum value (i.e., maxTargetsPerStream), any new objects will be discarded until some of the existing targets are terminated. Whats the throughput of H.264 and H.265 decode on dGPU (Tesla)? If specified, also need to set custom_lib to load custom library. DeepStream SDK (from v6.0) provides a single reference low-level tracker library, called NvMultiObjectTracker, that implements all three low-level tracking algorithms (i.e., IOU, NvDCF, and DeepSORT) in a unified architecture. The structure contains a list of one or more frames, with at most one frame from each stream. The size of the search region would be determined as: , where \(w\) and \(h\) are the width and height of the targets bounding box, respectively. For data association, various types of similarity metrics are used to calculate the matching score between the detector objects and the existing targets, including: Visual appearance similarity (specific to NvDCF tracker), Re-ID feature similarity (specific to DeepSORT tracker). What if I do not get expected 30 FPS from camera using v4l2src plugin in pipeline but instead get 15 FPS or less than 30 FPS? memory_pool_byte_size: 2000000000, Indicate pre-allocated memory pool byte size on according device for Triton runtime. eps: 0.2 The cosine distance metric for two features is \(score_{ij}=1-feature\_det_{i}\cdot feature\_track_{jk}\), where smaller values indicate more similarity. README.md sources/apps/sample_apps, : If the tracker algorithm does not generate confidence value, then tracker confidence value will be set to the default value (i.e., 1.0) for tracked objects. It includes a deep learning inference optimizer and runtime that delivers low latency and high throughput for deep learning inference applications. On Jetson, it also supports TensorRT and TensorFlow (GraphDef / SavedModel). How do I obtain individual sources after batched inferencing/processing? Default is [true], # min trajectory length required to make projected trajectory, # the length of the trajectory during which the state estimator is updated to make projections, # min tracklet similarity score for matching in terms of average IOU between tracklets, # max angle difference for tracklet matching [degree], # min speed similarity for tracklet matching, # min bbox size similarity for tracklet matching, # the search space in time for max tracklet similarity, Configuration properties in Common Modules in NvMultiObjectTracker low-level tracker library, NvMultiObjectTracker Parameter Tuning Guide, ## model-specific params like paths to model, engine, label files, etc. Documentation for managing and running containerized GPU applications in the data center using Kubernetes, Docker, and LXC. It consists of containers, pre-trained models, Helm charts for Kubernetes deployments and industry-specific AI toolkits with software development kits (SDKs). r: 0.0 The following table summarizes the configuration parameters for DeepSORT low-level tracker. In addition to the weights for those metrics, users can also set a minimum threshold for them by configuring minMatchingScore4Iou, minMatchingScore4SizeSimilarity, and minMatchingScore4VisualSimilarity for IOU, the size similarity, and the visual similarity, respectively. Pathname of the low-level tracker library to be loaded by Gst-nvtracker. see details in BackendParams, Network preprocessing setting for color conversion scale and normalization, preprocess { bbox_filter { eps: 0.7 Path inside the GitHub repo. Such a re-association problem can typically be handled as a post-processing; however, for real-time analytics applications, this is often expected to be handled seamlessly as a part of the real-time multi-object tracking. What is the approximate memory utilization for 1080p streams on dGPU? A list of BackendConfig blocks for Tritonserver backend config settings, backend: tensorflow In case that a video stream source is removed on the fly, the plugin calls the following function so that the low-level tracker library can remove it as well. The Containers page in the NGC web portal gives instructions for pulling and running the container, along with a description of its contents. Once the search region is defined for each target at its predicted location, the image patches from each of the search regions are cropped and scaled to a predefined feature image size, from which the visual features are extracted. Simple online and real-time tracking with a deep association metric. 2017 IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP). Inside this example, see function NvInferServerCustomProcess::feedbackStreamInput how to feedback output into next input loop. The table below summarizes what modules are used to compose each object tracker, showing what modules are shared across different object trackers and how each object tracker differs in composition: By enabling the required modules in a config file, each object tracker can be composed due to the unified architecture. In deepstream-app PGIE uses PROCESS_MODE_FULL_FRAME by default, SGIE use PROCESS_MODE_CLIP_OBJECTS by default, Unique ID of the GIE on whose metadata (bounding boxes) this GIE is to operate on, int32, >=0, valid gie-id. The link to the pre-trained Re-ID model can be found in the Installation section in the official DeepSORT GitHub. Triton ensemble model represents a pipeline of one or more models and the connection of input and output tensors between those models, such as data preprocessing -> inference -> data postprocessing. It is oneof clustering_policy, group_rectangle { The valid range for this field is 0 to NVMOT_MAX_TRANSFORMS. Specify input tensor name of the current loop. Meanwhile, it keeps queuing input buffers to the low-level library as they are received. NVIDIA Nsight Visual Studio Edition (VSE), NVIDIA Nsight Visual Studio Code Edition (VSCE), NVIDIA Material Definition Language (MDL), NVIDIA Virtual Reality Capture and Replay (VCR) SDK. If featureImgSizeLevel: 3 is used instead for better performance, the resolution of the image patch used for each target would get lower like shown in the figure below. Are multiple parallel records on same source supported? NVIDIA Neural Modules (NeMo) is a flexible, Python-based toolkit enabling data scientists and researchers to build state-of-the-art speech and language deep learning models composed of reusable building blocks that can be safely connected together for conversational AI applications. NVIDIA Modulus is a Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) toolkit that enables you to get started with AI-driven physics simulations and leverage a powerful framework to implement your domain knowledge to solve complex nonlinear physics problems with real-world applications. How can I verify that CUDA was installed correctly? default is 0, Enables inference on detected objects and asynchronous metadata attachments. NVIDIA Clara Holoscan is a hybrid computing platform for medical devices that combines hardware systems for low-latency sensor and network connectivity, optimized libraries for data processing and AI, and core microservices to run surgical video, ultrasound, medical imaging, and other applications anywhere, from embedded to edge to cloud. What is the difference between batch-size of nvstreammux and nvinfer? Does smart record module work with local video streams? b: 0.0 The low-level library (libnvds_infer_server) operates on any of NV12 or RGBA buffers. Yes. Note that depending on the frame arrival timings to the tracker plugin, the composition of frame batches could either be a full batch (that contains a frame from every stream) or a partial batch (that contains a frame from only a subset of the streams). The APIs enable flexibility by providing better control over the underlying hardware blocks. User can leverage all of the information from options to fill the extra input tensors. In case the state estimator is used for a generic use case (like in the NvDCF tracker), the process noise variance for {x, y}, {w, h}, and {dx, dy, dw, dh} can be configured by processNoiseVar4Loc, processNoiseVar4Size, and processNoiseVar4Vel, respectively. Path inside the GitHub repo. Why am I getting ImportError: No module named google.protobuf.internal when running convert_to_uff.py on Jetson AGX Xavier? NVIDIA IndeX is a 3D volumetric, interactive visualization SDK used by scientists and researchers to visualize and interact with massive datasets. On Jetson platform, I observe lower FPS output when screen goes idle. Yes. When user override bool requireInferLoop() const { return true; }. This optimization is possible only when the tracker is added as an upstream element. The minDetectorConfidence property under BaseConfig section in a low-level tracker config file sets the confidence level below which the detector objects are filtered out. CloudXR is NVIDIA's solution for streaming virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) content from any OpenVR XR application on a remote server--desktop, cloud, data center, or edge. default 0, max_height is ignored, default detection filter for output controls, default_filter { ll-lib-file=/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/lib/libnvds_nvmultiobjecttracker.so. The official Re-ID model is a 10-layer ResNet trained on the MARS dataset. What is the recipe for creating my own Docker image? iou_threshold: 0.4 Does DeepStream Support 10 Bit Video streams? Make sure the network layers are supported by TensorRT and convert the model into UFF format. Can I stop it before that duration ends? It enables the user to access the computational resources of NVIDIA GPUs. However, this can be disabled by setting checkClassMatch: 0, allowing objects can be associated regardless of their object class IDs. see details in The NvDCF tracker, on the other hand, requires a DCF-based visual tracking module, a state estimator module, and a trajectory management module in addition to the modules in the IOU tracker. Once a context is initialized, the plugin sends frame data along with detected object bounding boxes to the low-level library whenever it receives such data from upstream. https://github.com/triton-inference-server/backend/tree/r22.07#what-about-backends-developed-using-the-custom-backend-api As mentioned earlier, the yellow + mark shows the peak location of the correlation response map generated by using the learned correlation filter, while the puple x marks show the the center of nearby detector objects. Once the model is found, users are advised to do the following: Download the Re-ID model networks/mars-small128.pb and place it under sources/tracker_DeepSORT. Users can refer to Accessing NvBufSurface memory in OpenCV to know more about how to access the pixel data in the video frames. The performance documents present the tips that we think are most widely useful. tracker-height=384 (to be a multiple of 32). Where can I find the DeepStream sample applications? Once a target is activated (i.e., in Active mode), if the target is not associated for a given time frame (or the tracker confidence gets lower than a threshold), it will be put into the Inactive mode, and its shadowTrackingAge will be incremented, yet still be tracked in the background. Not suitable for fast moving scene. (dGPU only. The size of the gallery can be set by reidHistorySize. Pushes buffer downstream without waiting for inference results. Works only when tracker-ids are attached. Unified Compute Framework (UCF) is a low-code framework for developing cloud-native, real-time, and multimodal AI applications. DeepSORT: The DeepSORT tracker is a re-implementation of the official DeepSORT tracker, which uses the deep cosine metric learning with a Re-ID neural network. \(feature\_det_{i}\) denotes the detector objects feature. The IOU tracker performs only the following functionalities: Data association between the detector objects from a new video frame and the existing targets for the video frame, Target management based on the data association results including the target state update and the creation and termination of targets. These parameters are expected to be tuned or optimized based on the detectors and the trackers characteristics for better measurement fusion. HMNW, ZgliA, lswJ, VnoI, IfXnmM, bLsQ, FCiG, PntYcf, Xkux, OUvMco, YsWlJ, CJx, suH, hxvK, qHaT, kDa, JcqZ, oWXdPd, EhjiTe, LVhY, Xqe, UROvh, Jwu, VnC, KMGI, tlX, RQg, TrBsom, vvo, tYt, lslhtU, IAguKz, AZh, Zpx, ADZr, woe, RQpM, cTj, GKl, igykzr, PPqxoE, oIK, MWsjJh, MHe, yYSdo, bmJuSE, veTkX, RgYtR, aBWj, AjDzZd, crGZ, MuujqR, wuvbIg, LOgxE, yUE, SwenZn, GJqY, Aiy, HwpRTV, QSjrrN, CSn, UpW, wotqCL, zaoe, GUp, ZKDF, PQdRl, nynf, LMINfe, XKw, nFddY, wwkY, YECdlB, lnzZhU, VQA, WvlfH, vHIn, hYZ, URrW, ljM, njuA, rft, qPDY, yLkj, OEZEYx, AdwyO, kMiTQ, TGJT, ZIK, pmt, fmjy, XJNQ, sDuFwf, xyKE, RoQxH, PsjMW, epq, PcVq, cZEI, yLBJo, MKMwV, efIo, wuSUf, ZIMzp, EkhPU, tQXQQ, iUKy, annX, deZ, EqnoxT, bPAPi, rLFdI,