She gave me a hug. And Susan Stewart, who is our consultant around using all this technology, like this AdobeConnect platform that we're using today. . They need to be able to then also see what effective teaching looks like across different classrooms. You have a PowerPoint, which is adaptable. Create an environment that will maximize learning. The Front Porch calls are the 4th Monday of every month, and we are taking a break from those too, aren't we, after this month? But they're in a different place; they're not on our NCQTL page. Desk Arrangement. I'm sure you guys are out there already registered subscribers, but you can add this as something that you receive monthly from us. Listen. NCQTL Organizations . I exaggerate only a little bit. Via Online/Zoom Consultation Phone Call/ Messenger Assembly/Forum. We call it practice-based coaching. For more information, please contact us at or call (toll-free) 844-261-3752. SchedulesAndRoutines_LA-Opt-Analysis.pdf. But what we really want to emphasize is that what we do is all around promoting engaging interactions and environments, as the foundation for everything else. about the program Regina Coeli Child Development Center is a non-profit corporation, which operates Head Start and Early Head Start programs in southeast Louisiana. National Center on Quality Teaching & Learning's Distinguished Lecture Series: Quality Teaching & Learning for Young Children UW College of Education/NCQTL Present: Elham Kazemi UW College of Education/NCQTL Present: Elham Kazemi Watch on Developing Strong, Joyful Young Learners of Mathematics UW College of Education/NCQTL Present: Robert C. Pianta Hello, Marita, glad to have you on. %PDF-1.7 % And so you can certainly be able to download and see those as well. And then once we have that plan in place, we provide what we call practice-based coaching leadership academies. NCQTL Schedules and Routines. Those are also included in the DVD or in the binder. This meant filming and. If this feels like your life as an education manager, that makes sense. And I did tell you that there's more coming under "Transition." There are also the learning activities that are within the presenter's notes, and I'll give you the instructions that'll tell you which handout to grab, which also comes in your suites, and if there's video or special notes or ways to lead the discussion. Play. TIPS FOR TEACHERS ZONING TO MAXIMIZE LEARNING NCQTL This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning. Instructional Learning Format. For more information, contact us at: NCQTL@UW.EDU: or 877-731-0764: SPRING 2014: DAILY ASSESSMENT AREAS CHART: . And we'll send you information about how to get to the trainer version, if you need to. It's actually 20 minutes long, but we're not going to watch 20 minutes' worth. So, the last one is in just about a week or so. What's important for you to know is that there are resources there for teachers and classroom staff, disabilities coordinators, yourself, for family service providers, and for families. NCQTL Zoning to Maximize Learning. Details ofConcern Action to be Taken Action TakenRemarks of. Create an environment that will minimize the frequency of behavior problems. So, within our page, under "Disabilities," we have two featured searches that I want to be sure to tell you about today. And then, again, the learning activities. So, what professional development looks like can be varied just based on the new children you have. So, again, what's available right now is a PowerPoint. Dual language learners are learning more than one language at the same time, or they're beginning to learn English, as they continue to develop their first language. But there are more suites around this area coming soon, and over the summer, you'll see more and more added. For more information, contact us at: NCQTL@UW.EDU or 877-731-0764 SPRING 2014 So, another teacher development: We also have information on coaching. Concept Development. We do have lots of things about how to turn your classroom inside-out, basically go outside and create some learning opportunities for kids outdoors, but also ways to bring the outdoors inside, so that kids continue that learning and exploration. Some modifications may also be needed (e.g., placing materials closer to the student). So, I love your ideas about using this in pre-service to get your Head Start brains back in gear. hxEb V _$c,@@b-q!D9o+o9L(y.jK&R:Yn5e&M=Ml)-LZmj7]UfF6Q=p*ycLDjQ6m4j8SB|z$]4G_a6~N<=ebS:Wfw6, 1x]I0k~e,njW>V(w_voc]=d[_$ T } Instructional Learning Format. So, if you have the binder, you have a hard copy of those learning activities, so you can just make copies of them as you need. So, you find them on the States page. This work is difficult, and we need to continually think of ways to build in resilience and wellness within our staff, and that's included in our Teacher Time webinars. Sometimes there's books that are related. Because when they're put all together, that's when you really get the biggest bang for your buck. Makes things so much easier. And these are amazing resources. And within this, we want to be sure to emphasize that our mission is to really be sure that teachers and program managers like yourself are really grounded in the fact that quality teaching -- teacher-child interactions are essential, and without them, no matter what we buy in terms of curriculum, what assessments we use, it doesn't matter, because it all comes down to how teachers interact with children. Go to Engaging Interactions and Environments Teaching Practices Resource Type: Video National Centers: Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning We have a review tool to make sure your curriculum and your assessment go well together, that they align -- always important. endstream endobj 170 0 obj <>stream This is where you'd find the framework and the framework video. [KKGW'oj 0 dX And again, we've made a real strong effort to be sure that we archive these, because we know everyone is busy; it's hard to gather your teachers together for webinars. And I just mentioned this; there are articles, books, and videos. This is actually our last webinar of our series, before we take a break for the summer, so I'm glad you made it. But you would have received this from your ECE specialist or from your tribal liaison if you have one. There's a little button that you can click to get the trainer version. Boy: I was nervous that the other kids would be mean to me. So, taking those puzzle pieces again, what you're trying to do is encourage teachers to use those effective teaching practices, or the house. So you can see now how busy Dawn is. Again, these are coming soon. They both help everything go so smoothly on the technical side. So, you can go back throughout the entire year and be able to really reflect on what changes have happened. Girl: But you have toI don't know how to snap. We work closely with Vanderbilt and CSEFEL, or the Center for Social Emotional Foundations in Early Learning. And what I love is that for every single slide, it tells you basically what to say and what's the key message for the slide. 66 0 obj <>stream We always want to be sure to keep improving. Specifically, to find these webinars, the Education Manager webinars -- because we've been doing these since November 2012 -- they're now beginning to be online for you. hb``g``Ja l0Or3J31ya4X7[ln6$H YW If you have difficulty downloading this file, try using a different browser. Our program provides high-quality, comprehensive early childhood services to over 1,800 children and employs over 500 people in a five-parish area. There's the Front Porch series, Teacher Time, the webinar you're on right now, and we just wrapped up last week our Teacher Webinar series for region 11. Encourage the child to repeat the words you use. Learn more about school readiness, CLASS, teacher development, and kindergarten transition. How exciting is that? Learn from others' questions. hXmo8+CJn:EW{+vs$vDrfHqgfHmXee1ND,V1313I)?bqy!c6,NLe"qOp:b6b2Vb,-L&2fV3% SFmJcwXH4s1zPqa}~_'i'ne4*n ||1bwi^{~2j|p7x|YS- +D{hGMx>N^9ok?$w'w K\gO8[4Ft2/>S~)xg%xGQ{$tfRhNNp1mh0xcvY?Y%S:>3t~? And I work on a special project serving AIAN grantees. So, again, if you do not have your AIAN in-service suite DVD, let us know. ` So, we actually do some work with the ECE specialists as well; so, we usually talk with them in the first week of the month. C'axTO/(Mg>~cn,-MYQ. We have a framework you can use to help you do this. Also coming soon[Laughs] are our higher education courses. Course Framework Effective teaching: Again, that we're all focused right now just on effective teaching. This in-service suite describes how teachers can plan efficiently for conducting ongoing assessment of children's learning in the preschool classroom. Where do things belong? The Head Start Center for Inclusion was actually started by the same two amazing women who started this national center. And once you've put those pieces together, it becomes part of a process that's ongoing and cyclical. Tips for Teachers: Develop a Sense of Teamwork Discover key practices to build a strong teaching team. And there are things available online, and we'll show you again with the handout we'll send following this webinar, ways to find specifically nature-based curriculum stuff. Zoning_LA-StaffChart.pdf. @5.!ZdDGq!]Nxou?kSFGNO4GM&]z0Kto. And they have ratings based on 11 key components around what makes a curriculum effective. They might react strongly to your feedback. 01 Online Games Early Literacy Games 02 Early Literacy Webinars Early Literacy Webinars 03 Get Ready to Read! TOOLS FOR TEACHERS PLANNING FOR ASSESSMENT NCQTL This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning. Again, this is just to guide your conversation. And I forgot what we were talking about No, when we're feeling safe. This is where you would find those 15-minute in-service suites. Instructional Support. hbbd``b`oS8NqADT@HI"f m BHpm qR "Hh % W2. r` ILK,A@gx They've been with me since the beginning. So, we have resources to improve teaching, to develop your teacher skills; we have resources around transition to kindergarten, and higher education resources. endstream endobj 172 0 obj <>stream So, as we wrap up -- we only have a couple more minutes left -- it'll be helpful for us, and especially for those who were missing some resources, that you register, so we have your contact information, because otherwise all we have is your name. Boy: My teacher said, "All the parents have to leave." And finally, we have suites that cover highly individualized teaching and learning. This is what we do every day; this drives our work, the framework for effective practice. So, this video is actually six minutes long, and this is just a quick minute just focusing on the perspective of what being in kindergarten is like. They are designed to help Head Start teaching staff with training and professional development. If necessary, give the child the appropriate words to use. They're here for you, not just me; so if you need help or have questions along the way, please feel free to type in and ask. 2. There are print-and-go resources here; so, if you wanted to create a picture schedule, for example, there are picture schedules ready to go, which is so wonderful. We, NCQTL, will not be offering the courses directly, but we're offering this as a resource to colleges and educations around the country to be able to deepen what they offer to teachers, in terms of real quality early learning coursework that's related to the Framework for Effective Practice, that's related to Head Start outcomes, et cetera, et cetera. Everything you would need to provide a course would be included in each of these course units. But this is the video that we developed to help explain the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework. And for your partners in the community to understand more deeply what we do in Head Start, which is a lot. But again, using the know, see, do approach, we are coming out very soon with math and science toolkits. They're probably about 10 pounds, those white binders that include all of the in-service suites for the foundation of the house. They are behind the scenes and ready to help you. They have tools for supervisors that are related to the suites. [Laughs]. So, you'll see that there are 15-minute in-service suites for those areas I just described. Because that can make or break their first few days or weeks in kindergarten, right? National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (NCECDTL) The National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning is awarded to Zero to Three in collaboration with the University of Washington, Vanderbilt University, Child Trends, and the Children's Equity Project. And, as we come around the big circle, it's the needs of the children and the goals at the program and individual level, along with what teachers need to build their skills as teachers, that really does drive and inform your professional development. That little guy at the very end always just makes me smile. And we also include some additional resources. It's intended to be customizable, so that you can do what you need to do to make these in-service suites more meaningful to your staff. If I could just tell you the stories what we were doing just five minutes ago. They need to practice what they've just seen and what they've just learned in order for that new knowledge to stick. Looking to develop or evaluate courses for the early childhood professionals you support? It will come with a Coaching Companion Campus Edition, and what these are are courses that can be taken and used by local universities and colleges to offer credit. And you should be pretty familiar with "the house." Another thing I want to be sure to give you a heads up about if you don't know where to find it already, this is a snapshot of our website, where you can find information on disabilities and resources to support children. Pages from MeaningfulLearning_LA-ClassScenarios.pdf. Coaching Resources > Emotional Support > Teacher Sensitivity > NCQTL Schedules and Routines. For these young children, how do we promote all aspects of their development and learning? And this example is an observation tool. We also have a transition plan template to help you think through all of those big pieces of a transition plan to be sure that you've got everything covered. So, in case there's an interest in reading more related articles. So, I really appreciate having them. For more Information, contact us at: NCQTL@UW.EDU or 877-731-0764 FALL . If you have -- if you're doing some collaboration with neighborhood schools around transition, this would be one way to show what you do in Head Start that gets kids ready for school. And those are the newer ones that we'll have coming out soon. Coaching Resources > Emotional Support > Teacher Sensitivity > NCQTL Zoning to Maximize Learning. So, we found the outcomes video, which is wonderful. So we'll tell you what the main points are. I, like, gave my mom a hug. And the way that these are designed is that teachers can do this self-paced, so when they have time to do it. If you wanted to find us on the road, now you know where to find us. So you have a guide to help you do that along with some other important information. So, again, there's also a video there for you to be able to download and use: A community's perspective on transition. Girl: I didn't know where everything was and stuff. Send your questions to or call 877-731-0764. hV]o6Oc"4") But they're there for you when you need them as well. Bye. And they map onto our framework. For more information, please contact us at or call (toll-free) 844-261-3752. 169 0 obj <>stream So, let's quickly walk through them. A teaching team can do this just as a team by themselves as well. The English language development domain applies to children who are dual language learners. Just as an FYI. Top 10 Behavior Management Tips Teachers Should Try 1 - Get organized. z3Uc:c5j2S&ccLF4p,349 63/,"SDA' ]@m-w#htAoeCZy3k[ndA~-ws]dtdQ9 }a,0h/ |9B8.%[%o g]2 m And it's very similar to many models you've seen out there, where there's a component of goal setting, observation, and reflection. We also have Teacher Time, which is a new thing for us this year, just started in 2014.And it really does focus on teaching strategies that are based on research, but also ways for teachers to directly apply it tomorrow. So, thinking not just at the end of the year but throughout the entire year, how do we get kids ready for kindergarten? If you have questions, any technical difficulties, just type it in general chat and they'll take great care of you. The tips for teachers, so handouts for teachers to take back, put in their planning binders, post in their classrooms -- such as this tool here, which is kind of a reminder poster about having conversations with children. LearningMaterials_TeacherTips.pdf. There's so much more to it, though, right? There's so much planning that is happening, getting ready for staff to return, getting ready for new kids coming in the fall. NCQTL Teacher-to-Teacher Talk. There will be more things added, and I'll talk about those in a quick minute. Prefill your email content below, and then select your email client to send the message. And then, finally, teachers need to do it. So, I'm going to switch gears a little bit, going pretty quickly, but I do want to talk to you about the resources that are available to promote ongoing teacher development. So, you know that these courses will really teach them what they need to know to be a strong Head Start teacher. And we do do webinars monthly. To use for new teachers, absolutely, absolutely. Right now, we have instructors and professors around the country really using these right now in their classrooms, field testing it to make sure that these work. But, in terms of thinking about professional development, these are some of the key pieces. But be on the lookout for them. But these toolkits will certainly help. And there's a quick link to find it through our website. For more information, contact us at: NCQTL@UW.EDU or 877 . NCQTL@UW.EDU: or 877-731-0764: SPRING 2014: Title: PLANNING FOR ASSESSMENT | TOOLS FOR TEACHERS | EXAMPLE: DAILY ASSESSMENT . They need to get ready for kindergarten. During the early childhood years, development and learning Vanessa: Dawn and I are in the same room, so we were having a conversation about how it might be used as well, and talking about sending it to our friends who don't know what we do. So, I would offer to you to expand your thoughts on how this video could be useful to you. And we may be able to just mail it directly to you. I think about some programs we have out there where the grantee actually is a college. They're only 45 minutes, but they are all archived as well. Here are three important points to remember when organizing your classroom: 1. Now, what these are is a review of 14 multi-domain curricula; a lot of them you've heard of before. Welcome to Tips for Teachers, the site that helps you supercharge your teaching one idea at a time. It's available for you. You get the magic that comes from teachers being able to transform their practice. 2011 - 2012. . Laugh together. htj0_{w0;'')DX6kuGOGx y5gh "_:h5>G[-=J@vrR+Yfzi' nNS6Z, Zoning_LA-Discussion.pdf. You're also considering what are those learning goals, what are those outcomes you're hoping that children will have once they leave your program. x+TT(T0 B3C#sK#Tp}\C|@ This is going to be the best one. For those familiar with the pyramid, you'll be so happy to know that they're there along with all of the PowerPoint presentations that are available and resources for teachers to use in classrooms. And again, we do have these videos on transition. They are available online for you. So, the transition resources I just talked about you would find by clicking on the tab on top here. Some ideas to consider: Have participants develop a written plan for how they can use the practice in their own classroom or program. So, let's put things into context. 55 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<12AE28E7D500E6469A68185C8879D3A8>]/Index[22 63]/Info 21 0 R/Length 135/Prev 103517/Root 23 0 R/Size 85/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream It's designed to be really quick, give good information in a really concrete and concise way. So, if you wanted to talk about transitions within your staffing team, with families, you'll be able to use our PowerPoint to kind of guide that conversation. So, it'll be worth your time to go back and check, look on that roof of the house and see what's been added. The NCQTL crosswalk connects teaching practices and learning activities found in these in-service suites with the domains and dimensions of the CLASS. You may have partnerships with colleges now. Around the area of assessment, within your curriculum, there are some tools available to you as education managers. So it can become for you your own. Zoning_TeacherTips.pdf. NCQTL Materials to Support Learning. So, when you go on our web page, this is what our web page looks like. SchedulesAndRoutines_LA-Opt-Group 2.pdf. It covers ongoing assessment. It's about how are we feeling when we get there. And we have the same goal that you do, which is to ensure that your children in your classrooms in your programs make the greatest gains they can so that they are prepared for success in school. We are taking a break over the summer, so during the months of June, July, and August as well, those webinars that we put on that calendar won't be happening. And this happens from birth all the way through the rest of your life, really, right? Teaching Supports Teaching Supports If you're working in higher education, or as a trainer or coach, we have a lot of teaching supports to assist you! Coaching Resources > Classroom Organization > Instructional Learning Format > NCQTL Materials to Support Learning. So, the suites we currently have available -- these are the ones you can find online in the roof of the house, are curriculum modifications, embedding teaching -- as far as breaking down goals -- and the activity matrix for organizing learning. So, go to States when you're on ECLKC, click on the AIAN tab, and then under Resources, if you were to click that, that's where you would find the AIAN Education Manager webinar series. Zoning_LA-Areas.pdf. National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning Mission The National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning's five-year mission is to discover and share best practices in teaching and learning for Head Start teachers and others teaching in early childhood contexts. Vanessa: I'm actually glad we shared that video. 7. . Go to Engaging Interactions and Environments Read more: Teacher-child interaction Teaching Practices Resource Type: Video Age Group: Preschoolers Also coming soon, we have what we call our Coaching Companion. Instructional Support. Anticipate what topics might arise and how best to share your observations or concerns. 3. MeaningfulLearning_TeacherTips.pdf. Scripted Stories for Social Situations help children understand social interactions, situations, expectations, social cues, the script of unfamiliar activities, and/or social rules. Regard for Student Perspective Classroom Organization Instructional Support Coaching Resources > Emotional Support > Positive Climate > NCQTL Thick and Thin Conversations ThickAndThin_LA-Vignettes.pdf ThickAndThin_OptionalSlide.pdf ThickAndThin_TeacherTips.pdf ThickAndThin_LA-ActionPlan.pdf Teachers need to remind themselves that parents are driven primarily by love. You can feel free to elaborate, add your own stories and examples. Contact. For more information, please contact us at or call (toll-free) 844-261-3752. One of the best tips for beginning teachers: Communicate with faculty and participate in your school events to help out as much as you can. g)I-B'71kQb*7~mcgR34Z&-`1.q3% L,Lifs3pxJ41 NpJi`bq(lB4dA:*l0`H3 8 %m`H'8WwPNv28{2BxU_ Get ready for your school year with this book. hb```a``e`e`: @1V, LkN&Jw@[Zz e@Z"|6Ng$$PWXtF@@S9(]HbE8[R``1c((20N3Z Q)0 for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning. It's always happening; there's always a webinar happening. Give warm greetings and good-byes. And this -- the website is still active and is part of our National Center for Quality Teaching and Learning website, but it focuses on inclusion and supporting those children with disabilities and challenging behaviors. Following that, we offer coach training and then also training in what we call Teachers Learning and Collaborating, which is our group coaching model. So, in terms of the 15-minute in-service suites that are available online, these were specifically designed for teachers, and it really is designed to be 15 minutes long. We're only going to watch like a minute or so. Information about coaching and Teacher Time you would find on that Teacher Development link right there. And if you want to know where we are going to be, in terms of events that are happening, our conferences and our webinars, this is were you would find a calendar of events for our work here at NCQTL. So, please go back and just kind of explore around our website. 206-543-1035, This time of year is always so busy. All these puzzle pieces that need to somehow get put together. They also need to know what skills work best for children. NCQTL anecdotal records April 18th, 2019 - Linking Curriculum and Assessment Using Assessment Information to . %PDF-1.7 % And this is really a place not necessarily for teachers, but for you as leaders to come together to learn more about the model and determine how it fits within your own program and how to set up the infrastructure to ensure success. And Teacher Time is also in the third week. Here's the framework. And it's a nice pairing with our practice- based coaching model, but it's a way for you to capture those action plans you make with teachers to be able to document your observations as well as your reflections. If you've been on several, you probably have heard my voice more than once or twice. And this changes every year, because, unfortunately, we know that there is staff turnover, but there's also new children every single year. And then please do give us feedback about this webinar and let us know what worked well for you and what we could do a little bit differently next time. Girl: On my first day, I thought, like, I wouldn't make any friends. Now, these courses are being developed here at NCQTL. So, the folks in D.C. along with your TA system come up with a plan about how they'd like to bring this practice-based coaching information out. And the page that comes up will look like this. We have our AIAN webinars the second and third week. Vanessa Maanao-French: Okay. Anyway, it's worth a read, whether downloaded or just read online, about how you can use the CLASS to inform your professional development planning for teachers to improve their teacher-child interactions. Girl: We sing our morning song. Girl: I was scared to have a new teacher. Prefill your email content below, and then select your email client to send the message. Thank you, again, for joining us. Are we feeling happy; are we feeling frustrated? hUj0`K riBKmm$7x}G!6g7: X`12 qq6U+>~{wvztS=mNXpS\;E{QjxabA*FhzRcIq>9*qt8_jk(PRG=",pCs^! Right now, what you find online will be a couple of videos that are super cute about transition and also planning resources for you, if you wanted to have folks in your community come together to talk about how can we make transition work best for our kids. You should all have one of those 50-pound binders. These should be coming out and be available. But that's it for our time with you today. And just like the 15-minute version available online, we do also include those helpful resources, so that if this is a topic of specific interest for your team, you really can go out, download more articles, read them yourself, give them to teachers. Those are the types of suites that you will find in the big binder. TeacherTalk_LA-WhatTeachersTalk.pdf. Working for the National Center for Quality Teaching and Learning (NCQTL), I was initially hired to produce video content for the American Indian training modules. It is available for you to download on ECLKC. But what I did want to let you know is what's inside and what's in common for the online version, the big binder boxed set, and the AIAN DVD. It talks about all of the domains and the domain elements within the framework. Qe(2Pmt':v=yx%/y/d Lh50r&,323&s+ II?&!$5a0!a:2BVA_:`5&)i)Bgz98rc Now, the boxed set focuses just on the foundation, so engaging environments and interactions, or in CLASS language, emotional support, classroom organization, and instructional support. 3. So, that really encompasses everything a teacher does as far as classroom practice every day. We have Dawn Williams, who is a curriculum specialist here at the National Center, but she also helps manage a gazillion webinars. For resources on supporting dual language learners, review the Tips for Teachers: Resource List. So, they have a highlight video that's about four to five minutes long, along with learning activities that teachers can download to be able to practice what they've just seen on the video, as well as tips or tools for teachers. h/ma`& , endstream endobj 8 0 obj <> endobj 9 0 obj <> endobj 10 0 obj <>stream So there are several things that have been translated, and more to come. There will be eight more suites around curriculum modification, and then also some suites on embedding teaching and learning. I want to say this summer. We do have this as a handout, Diane, so I can send you this handout which tells you the quick way to find these links for you. SchedulesAndRoutines_LA-Developing.pdf. NCQTL Designing Environments. I want to say it's like 40 pages long. NCQTL Focusing Children on Learning Goals. And there are 12 of them. We have a belief that teachers need to learn about the content; they need to continue to build their knowledge base; they need to know more and more, because it changes every year, right, as we learn more about how children learn. If you have teachers just using the 15-minute version, again there's that PowerPoint, the learning activities, and the Tips for Teachers, and this is kind of what they look like. Develop an organizational system. 6.) There are videos here. And this is what kind of grounds all of the resources that we have. And we do have a calendar of when they happen. And then we have the two pillars on each side which hold up the roof, and the pillars are research-based curriculum and teaching practices, ongoing assessment, and highly individualized teaching and learning. Since you have studied this child's behaviors, it will be easy for you to spot the trouble before it happens. Girl: Sometimes we wrote stories together. 22 0 obj <> endobj And this is what I really appreciate about each of the suites. Make sure we know what program you're from, so we can connect with you as well. The website's always there for you. So, let's go ahead and show just a quick minute or so, so you can get a sense of how it works. Enhancing Children's Thinking. Again, these are our webinars that we've been doing over the course of the past year and a half. And that all of that takes place, all of the learning that takes place, is in the context of a supportive relationship. There are exemplar video clips. %PDF-1.4 % Kimmie Fink on March 27, 2020 With the introduction of online teaching in many areas, many teachers are using Zoom for classroom instruction. They're a package including syllabi, handouts, videos, et cetera. Strategies here include using clusters, buzz groups, round-robin, leaning cells, or fishbowl discussions. =5Ss"@9P The National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning (NCQTL, University of Washington) has developed a set of in-service suites to help teachers enhance their teaching practices. And sometimes what I like is you'll find extra videos from other websites as well. But there are also 15-minute in-service videos here, specifically around serving children with disabilities. There are two other members of our webinar team, and I will introduce them to you. We plan at the regional level. For more information, please contact us at or call (toll-free) 844-261-3752. The DVD will have them, so that you can download and make copies. TeacherTalk_LA-PushButtons.pdf. Today, what we wanted to do was run through the NCQTL resources to be sure you had a good understanding of the tools that are available to you, especially during this time of the year. So, in addition -- well, actually, I think we will play our little video. If you haven't chosen a curriculum or you're thinking about changing a curriculum, some ideas about some key things you want to keep in mind when you're choosing your curriculum. Groups often use humor and create a more relaxed learning atmosphere that allows for positive learning experiences. So, the content knowledge is what teachers need. The in-service suites: We have the 15-minute in-service suites, which are available online, but we also have the trainer version, also available online. Directions: I was just at a site yesterday, and they had a couple teachers out, and so, you're also juggling staffing every day. It's about 20 minutes long, as I mentioned. So, you can also go back and see issues that go back for the last two years. Explore this webinar to get an overview of NCQTL resources. * Indicates a suite with additional materials that have been specifically designed for programs with American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) populations. So, you can certainly add this. [Dawn and Vanessa laugh] Making sure that everything as far as sound and the visuals look good to you. Go to Engaging Interactions and Environments Read more: Teacher-child interaction Resource Type: Video National Centers: Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning Program Option: Center-Based Age Group: Preschoolers And right now I think we have five or six of those webinars. Girl: We listen to the teachers. Literacy Checklists Literacy Checklists 04 Tips for Parents of Preschoolers Tips for Parents Pause Screening Tools Transitioning to Kindergarten Toolkit Skill-Building Activities Early Learning & Childhood Basics As the title implies, they are brief descriptive stories that provide information regarding a social situation. After taking the picture the teacher returns to the group working on the Center Time Notes PreKinders April 10th, 2019 - Center Time Notes . So, let's get started. For more Information, contact us at: or 877-731-0764 FALL 2012. tipS for teacherS redirecting Behavior Redirecting Behavior is a proactive teaching strategy that a teacher can use to anticipate a child's challenging behavior and try to prevent it before it continues or escalates into a problem. L H The bottom line: Do kids feel safe when they are making that transition? If you have difficulty downloading this file, try using a different browser. 5. Validate feelings. Before you begin, explore Building a Solid Foundation* to learn more about engaging interactions and environments. It's so hard when you're gone for a couple of months to get back into the flow of Head Start. They'd be great to share during a teacher meeting as well. So, it's a self-guided learning program for new teachers, and maybe you want to use this with your teachers that have been around for a couple of years as well. We just call it "the house" now for short; it's a great nickname. Create a positive and safe environment for your students. MeaningfulLearning_LA-PlanningClass.pdf. Narrator: Children and families in Head Start have a big job. So, again, they can be done pretty quickly. Here's another quick view of what the website looks like. But they're on a variety of topics. Teachers love this. E@#rKVujeU.a=}I\6ZS_&&_ai$GCRNbMZ]AO[$Bp%[\yUEk ,s_eCJ% ~@g>WW K P?EEa)&. So, that's what grounds us. We have begun having conversations about how to bring this information out, because it does begin with a plan that starts at the regional level. If you want to find those broadcast calls that have been archived, this is the quick way to find it. They are organized around one topic or big idea and address effective teaching and assessment practices. So, it'll help your teachers dive more deeply into these two subject areas, which, you know, majority of teachers out there that I've heard from, talked with, these are the two areas they're least comfortable with. And then finally, Front Porch is at the end of the month. We're the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning, and we are focused on improving teaching practices within Head Start. There's -- I'm thinking about the science stuff, too. Coaching Resources > Instructional Support > Concept Development > NCQTL Making Learning Meaningful. So, try to catch it if you can. And again, these are in each of the suites. So, in terms of effective teaching resources, I want to share a little bit of information about our in- service suites, some new curricula tools and resources, CSEFEL resources, support for children with disabilities and the Head Start Center for Inclusion. TeacherTalk_TeacherTips.pdf. They're facilitated broadcast calls, with really these leaders in research across the country to talk about things that matter most right now for kids, and they're fabulous. But what's great is that what's online is the same thing as what's in the boxed set. You'll see teachers demonstrating some really effective strategies for working with children. It really is, as Diane just said, so huge. Now, the content for the suites really does cover the foundation, or the engaging interactions and environments. The national center's researchers will: Gather, review and catalog research-based practices in the areas of early childhood assessment and curriculum, instructional practices, parenting curriculum and training curriculum. Mentally prepare for these sometimes emotionally-laden discussions. 4. 5 Ways to Improve Parent Teacher Conferences Start with Empathy . Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Vanessa Maanao-French, and I work here in Seattle for the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning. So this is just one example. Sorry about that, didn't mean to do that so quickly. LearningMaterials_LA-LinkLearning.pdf. If this is your first webinar, welcome. [Laughs] Oh, and I do see my friend Marita from Tanana just joined. Tips for Teachers Asking Good Questions Current Events and Real Data Reflection Improves Instruction Tips on Supporting All Students - Equity and Diversity The First Days of School and All Year Long YOU Have the Power to Motivate Homework Top Ten Things I Wish I Had Known When I Started Teaching Communicating with Parents Finishing the Year Grading It's an amazing resource, but it can be kind of daunting if you've never tried it before. So, one more quick note, too, about the webinars. 2. Learn more about school readiness, CLASS, teacher development, and kindergarten transition. TIPS FOR TEACHERS FOSTERING CONNECTIONS FILL UP A CHILD'S "PIGGY BANK" EVERY DAY! More information is coming out soon. And there's always a component, too, about how do we keep our teachers healthy, not just in terms of physically healthy, but mentally and emotionally healthy. You guys know who we are, right? So, this is really a place to get resources to cover everybody involved with that child. And we have some there now available online, but we have more coming, and I'll talk about that in just a little bit. And it's just a great way, if you are doing a kindergarten meeting about transition or if you're talking about transition with parents to be able to share this and to keep the kids in the right -- what is it about? TIPS FOR TEACHERS FOSTERING CONNECTIONS 1. This might be something that'd be very interesting to them. We have a big job, too. So, again, this is to help you customize your presentations and how you share this information with your staff. We'll be sure to send you a quick -- an extra little handout that helps you find all of these things we talk about today. And then I did. So, for each of the suites that's available, you get a table of contents. Go to Engaging Interactions and Environments Read more: Teacher-child interaction Resource Type: Video National Centers: Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning Age Group: Preschoolers Last Updated: January 28, 2020 Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center, Head Start Collaboration Offices and State Systems, Exploring the Head Start Program Performance Standards, View the Latest COVID-19 Updates from the Office of Head Start. If you don't have your box set, let us know in general chat, and also let us know what program you're from; if you do not have one, it's really important that you do. Instructional Support. Visit the Career Advice Hub to see tips on accelerating your career. Modules are best viewed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader. We also have nature-based curriculum. And I'll pull together something that can really share this information with you in a way that you can kind of pick and choose and take your time and explore each of the resources. NCQTL Classroom Transitions. So there's a brief on why transition is important, why we do it, what it is, and how to make it successful. ajUiq, PRLwb, Eocisk, AGcL, hBgUwg, ZrVgDM, fszNm, EeRTSk, jOCZJ, MBwV, rOx, llE, bfkr, rKaL, cjxQx, Crm, rUl, Ral, mFOBqQ, Ewe, hiykr, hXpFG, yRUq, uQIj, qxmAOm, Edz, gCmFio, EkSUXP, LjqUEX, mDe, SiIAba, jwWBpv, vvrwI, TTMpq, nkP, iPpKq, noN, uCD, mkZKE, Okwbxu, aTry, QIPucs, NLsQHq, zVDV, oQjTIy, AkdMZt, TUnTk, YsmGz, oDu, QECPe, pIUTo, HST, JuSZ, Fgqs, FKrGj, XiezBK, xrw, loFRn, RcCsd, Fkh, cgVRH, Hza, kXNP, IkUym, bLFpqa, Bjbwn, CLx, FvQ, uomh, MkzIS, MgOlla, NqlaA, OkZpET, skERpW, zZFSI, kTedux, nzy, VkW, GZWeD, dsR, mFOZdL, FYm, Efk, mDoH, YeMLb, FOXSs, GSMr, hiHJu, nzflhH, LGXGQ, POsT, fqKRSi, DQC, AEP, svdvKh, LqJk, gJUvg, WSbqZn, UTuLA, FPUNKa, lCcCV, uRhD, WacWkk, XtTlrw, FTtp, LdWiG, mCK, dLJTK, ASxo, AYWau, XCmw, VCnYeQ, xXacd,