star wars chimaera creature

Kanan eventually found a blank Jedi holocron. Kanan's concerns were validated after Ezra almost killed a rebel trooper he had mistaken for Maul. This created an explosion which disoriented the Imperials and enabled all the rebels to escape aboard the Ghost. The rebels retreated on the chosen shuttle, but did not head for space because Vader would no doubt have the Imperials waiting for them. Kanan then saw Hera make a crash-landing and was happy to have the Spectres back together. Anakin Skywalker was a legendary Force-sensitive human male who was a Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic and the prophesied Chosen One of the Jedi Order, destined to bring balance to the Force. He fled into the market and was pursued by the troopers, resulting in the death of a nearby civilian. Galma was known for its illegal podracing. Primary terrain Luke uses his lightsaber to cut Fett's blaster in half, and Chewbacca pushes the bounty hunter onto the deck. In addition, Ezra was a headstrong young man who was willing to circumvent orders. Jarrus, aware of his Force-sensitivity, met up with Bridger at his tower and gave the boy two choicesto keep the lightsaber as a useless relic and remain on Lothal, or return to the ship and become Jarrus' Padawan, and a member of the crew. [19], As the Seventh Fleet continued to blockade Lothal, Grand Admiral Thrawn called many Imperial officers to the fleet to try and uncover the identity of the Rebel spy Fulcrum. Ezra managed to levitate the droid above the light using the Force before letting him go and allowing Zeb to catch him. When Hera assigned Sabine an undercover mission to infiltrate the Academy disguised as a cadet, Ezra asked why he was not involved in the mission. Once he arrived, he found Kallus leaving his office. [42], Wren discovered that the weapons were located in Bay 7. They managed to remove a magno-mine that Konstantine had attached to the Sato's Hammer. Kallus returned to Ezra's former home and attempted to warn the rebels that Thrawn was aware of their plans. He was thus a contemporary of Homer, the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Along with Homers works, the Theogony [] Following the sparring session, Ezra joined Kanan and Fenn in pledging to help Sabine to fulfill her goals of repairing her relationship with her family and reuniting the Mandalorians. Kanan along with Ezra and Hera then attended a hologram briefing with Commander Sato and General Jan Dodonna, who had arrived in the Atollon system with his Massassi Group. Ezra and Kanan attacked Kallus but the ISB agent managed to convince them that he was a Fulcrum operative by quoting the code-phrase "by the light of Lothal's moons". Kanan Jarrus, born Caleb Dume, was a Force-sensitive human male Jedi Knight who survived Order 66 during the Clone Wars. The senator subsequently traveled to Batuu herself to investigate what had happened to Duja after she failed to reach her handmaiden after. The last TIE was shot down when it chased the Ghost through the hanger bay and collided with an attacking walker. Most unnervingly, Thrawn's Noghri assassin Rukh made his debut, attacking the two humans and planting a tracker on their speeder bike. As a partner to Orrelios who turned against his former Empire, the Lasat welcomed Kallus as one of their own. Returning to the Ghost, the crew had only a day to search for their companion before the Empire showed up searching for Agent Kallus, who nonetheless must've been in the same escape pod fighting him when it crashed. Heading to the bridge, the rebels encountered the Trandoshan Mining Guild captain Seevor. He was pretty amused to see how fooled Ezra was, but the boy then mentioned that it was because Trayvis' transmissions reminded him of those his parents used to send out. Unable to hold out anymore, the two rebels fled back to the Ghost on the magnetic cable system. The show's co-creator, Carrie Beck, said that Oyelowo was able to bring "a voice that is very authoritative, and very commanding, and very cool without betraying any sense of insecurity or weakness. Saw soon arrived and outflanked the battle droids. Luke, Han, and Chewbacca are brought before Jabba, exchanging relief at each other's safety as Leia struggles with Jabba to sit upright before him. (theatrical)134 min. [16], Following the ship's escape, the Rebels returned with a force of T-65B X-wing starfighters and BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers to attack the fleet so as to bomb the Imperial Armory Complex on the surface. Chava believed that Lira San would only be revealed after the "child of Lasan" had saved the "warrior" and the "fool." When confronted by Governor Pryce over his defection, Kallus responded that he stopped betraying himself the day he betrayed her Empire. When the krykna tried to storm the ship, Kanan along with Ezra and Zeb used the ship's laser cannons to blaste the intruders. Unfortunately, the crew had no idea they'd been set up, and after Hera pleaded with him to warn the others, Ezra reluctantly boarded the vessel just in time to warn Kanan, Zeb, and Sabine. Named after his grandfather, the Chosen One Anakin Skywalker, as a child Anakin often feared succumbing to the allure of the dark side and becoming a Sith like his grandfather before him. Later that day, Kanan managed to talk with Hera. Rising to power in the Galactic Senate as the senator of Naboo, the secretive Sith Lord cultivated two identities, Sidious and Palpatine, using both to further his political career and deceive his way At Kryze's camp, Kyze and Sabine came up with plan to destroy the Duchess; Kanan volunteered himself, Ezra, and Chopper to erase the Duchess's data from the Imperial database. Hera then added that they should be content that Saw was not the Empire. During the journey, Cham regaled Kanan and his fellow rebels with stories about his exploits during the Clone Wars and the Battle of Lessu. Admiral Kassius Konstantine (tentatively)[3]Commodore Karyn Faro[4]Major Carvia[5]Major Quach[5]Commander Hammerly[4]Commander Vult Skerris[6]Flag Captain Albus Marinith[7]Captain Benj Dobbs[5]Captain Corf Ferno[8]Captain Gilad Pellaeon[9] (tentatively)[5]Senior Lieutenant Pyrondi[4]Senior Lieutenant Xoxtin[4]Lieutenant Fentaugh[5]Lieutenant Agral[5]Lieutenant Lomar[4] Ezra and Rex were also involved in a physical altercation with Saw. [18], Upon their arrival at Lothal, the master-Padawan pair landed in Capital City and visited the latter's former home, which had been razed to the ground by the Empire. [10], Despite Thrawn's failures at Atollon, the Seventh Fleet wasn't taken away from him by Emperor Palpatine, due to the factors of the failure not being under his control. Affiliation While Hera, Rex, and Chopper stayed aboard the Ghost, Kanan along with Ezra, Zeb, and Sabine ventured into the structure. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Pryce had arrived after hearing rumors of several cadets attempting to defect and had Captain Vult Skerris perform a combat simulator in space to lure out the defectors. [9], Later, Kallus and Lieutenant Lyste visited Thrawn's Office, which contained several objects relating to the Spectres. There they discovered an ancient abandoned village, which they took as their new base. When Bendu asked why they had come, Kanan apologized that they could not stay long and nudged Ezra to tell Bendu the purpose of their meeting. They prepare to swing from a loose cable on the Barge's sails, and Luke discharges the guns, beginning to destroy the barge. However, Wooro would give the hilt to Io, who was actually Varg. Du Bois, Jerry Dutton, Gary Early, Steve Early, Keith Gillihan, Leon E. Gochanour, Kevin Hellreg, Michael Kohl, James Maher, Kenneth Mattz, Sr., Craig Ratnour, Mike Schulte, Keith Sellers, Jack Snider, Vic Solis, Harry Spencer, John Thompson, Leroy Tripp, Ben Wigley, Jr., Dennis Woods, Thomas Ratnour, Carl D. Mosier, Dan Cross, Electricians: Bill Dreyfuss, Bill Pelkey, Joe Carl Parsons, Bob Powell, Frank Strzalkowski, Timothy Bigsby, Mark Branton, Stagehands: C. Canteras, B. Jenichen, C. Eason, Documentary Assistant Cameraman: Joe Ward, Documentary Sound Man: Adrianos Agamemnon, Documentary Assistant Camera-Person: Tomiko Russell, LA Drivers: Jayce Garcia, Pat McLaughlin, Dick Lee, Gary Hellerstein, Wayne Campbell, Kenny Lubin, Ted Reed, Joe Lanzl, Sandra Thomason, Arizona Teamsters: Ron Manning, Paul Pinnt, Rod Wolf, J. L. Watkins, Kenny Mason, Randy Edwards, Claud Hereford, Chuck Henson, Nick Nichols, Jack Warner, Joe Hobbs, Harold Sargent, Marcos Salazar, Phil Kent, Steve Wagner, Eddie Blick, Stacy Newton, Harry McCrorey, Crescent City Drivers: V. L. Horne, Jim Caetano, Norman Cook, James Corwin, James E. Fredrickson, Jess Freeman, Jim Heidenger, Darrel D. Koroush, Raymond B. Mercer, Don Mizer, Greg Newell, Gene Pidgeon, Harold Pidgeon, Michael Pittman, Ken Simas, Richard Smith, Stanley D. Stamps, Robert Stilwell, Ray Thurmler, Charles Tramble, Jack E. Vaughn, Charles Whitehead, Lewis L. Glisson, Gary Woods, Thomas L. Moore, Robert J. Dickenson, Jack W. Kolshinski, Jack Ballard, Honeywagon Drivers: Forest Ingham, Keith Laursen, Cinemobile Crew: Ray Van Holten, Michael Cain, Rudy Beilicke, John Rasmussen, First Aid: Wendell Telford, Barbara Thurber, Peter Mann, Terry Riley, Crescent City Fire Department: Robert Howard, Albert Scalvini, Michael Coffey, Murray Richards, Thomas Brooks, Mark O. Buckley, Ernest Silvey, Security: Allan Trosclair, Curis Fox, Dale Kahoun, Dale Parker, William Ratnour, David Reidel, Michael Holiman, Imperial County Sheriff: Sergeant John Lemon, Mobile Maintenance: Lynne Henderson, Deborah Radant, Catering Department: George Mauricio, Vincent Wolfe, Paul Bailey, Ben Le Febre, William Bonaiuto, Ignacio Meza, Roberto Lozano, Hector Garcia, Sheila Duignan, Projectionists: Dan Miller, Harold "Spence" Spencer, Assistant to Robert Watts: Peter Bergquist, Thanks to the U.S. Department of Interior. Kallus' first order to the captain was to have the Lawbringer descend from orbit and hover over Capital City, where the citizens of Lothal would be able to witness the Empire's might.[20]. Ezra kept in touch with his master but soon lost contact after being surrounded by several Krykna. In return, the spirits demanded that Ezra fight Kanan to prove his worth. Believing that the Geonosian held the key to discovering what the Empire was building on Geonosis, Saw convinced Kanan and his team to help them capture the Geonosian. Syndulla then revealed Bail Organa's identity and the existence of other Rebel cells, just before "Fulcrum" identified herself as Ahsoka Tano, a former Padawan of the Jedi Order, and mentioned a change of protocol thanks to their message. [17] Before the cleansing of Lasan ended, Kallus was given a J-19 bo-rifle by a member of the Lasan High Honor Guard that he had defeated, who's gifting of the bo-rifle left Kallus surprised and greatly impacted. Upon awaking, the Ghost crew found themselves in unknown space but sighted Lirasan in the horizon and Zeb left on the Phantom to drop Gron and Chava there. Some contemporary fans and critics have found the film to be just as weak as the prequel films or just in comparison to the first two episodes. Afterwards, they distributed the medicine to the sick and saved them, including Mindiz. [20] However, in the contemporary documentary From Star Wars to Jedi: The Making of a Saga, Lucas states that the Vietnam War was merely the inspiration from which the subplot evolved, rather than a political thesis. Before the deal could be completed, Kallus and his forces arrived in Imperial Troop Transports, bringing All Terrain Defense Pods with them. The 7th Fleet, or Seventh Fleet, was a fleet of the Imperial Navy during the reign of the Galactic Empire. The two were able to resolve their differences after Sabine overcame her strained memories of her family and Kanan decided to trust Sabine's ability to bond with the Darksaber herself. Hera then came up from behind and told Kanan that she had expected to see him at the briefing. Charismatic, wise-cracking, hardy, thievish, resourceful, initially distrustful, cynical. Light[1] Hair color As a result, her parents had cast her away. As they left the sewer, they were then picked up by Azadi and Marida Sumar in their U-wing. The Bendu was furious with Kanan for bringing war to his planet. Their efforts enabled the remnants of the Rebel Fleet to escape, and they made their way towards Yavin IV. While helping Sabine to load supplies aboard the Ghost, Ezra witnessed Maul and attacked a Rebel Crewman, whom he mistook for Maul. He eventually constructed a new green-bladed Lightsaber, this time with a traditional design. Believing that Pryce was Fulcrum, Lieutenant Lyste stunned her. /startmusic starwars1 Starts the Star Wars 1 song. As a deterrent, Thrawn killed Sumar by forcing him to ride a defective speeder bike, which exploded. Kallus issued an ultimatum that the rebels had one minute to surrender before he destroyed the Ghost. He even saw the stormtroopers as the next reincarnation of the clone troopers themselves despite the stormtroopers being recruited normal humans. Chopper wanted to leave but Ezra told him to get the shuttle ready while he fetched the others. In response, Sabine claimed she was outsmarting her opponent and challenged Kanan to "take a shot" and attacked him with her grappling line. Shortly the ship's hyperdrive kicked in, and the Ghost jumped to hyperspace. [69], When they arrived, Bridger mistook them for stormtroopers and shot at them with his lightsaber, stunning Jarrus and Rex. Unable to escape, the two women contacted the Ghost for help. En route, R2-D2 is tasked with serving drinks to Jabba's guests, and the Max Rebo band plays music in the background. In November 1983, CBS aired the official making-of documentary, Classic Creatures: Return of the Jedi. Aboard the Relentless, he followed his former protge to the planet Thrad, from where she and her accomplice intended to travel to Klonoid, where they would joined a local rebel cell. Young people from Dolin's homestead joined the cause due to the First Order killing two villagers, but they were untrained and took casualties. Meanwhile, the First Order was alerted to the Resistance presence on Batuu, and Lieutenant Wulfgar Kath and twenty stormtroopers were dispatched to investigate. Ezra had received a tip about two refugees from his former "business partner" Hondo Ohnaka. Upon arriving at the black market spaceport Nixus Hub 218, the two discovered that the buyer was Azmorigan, who was expecting Vizago instead and had them loaded into a loading dolly with the intention of firing them into space. Although the rebels then attempted to activate the facility's city-wide shield, this failed, as Rukh had already deactivated it. Arriving above the planet, the Jedi encountered another starship, piloted by the Chiss Ascendancy Commander Thrawn. [90], After exchanging pleasantries, Saw recounted how his team had been attacked and killed by a Geonosian, who was operating battle droids. So by the time Ezra was seven, his parents were taken away by the Empire and their family home declared off limits to live in to the public, leaving him to fend for himself for the next eight years, eventually taking up residence in an abandoned communication tower, humorously nicknaming it Ezra's Tower. [14], During Thrawn's brief departure from the conflict, the Grand Admiral expressed discontent towards being drawn away from the conflict with Jarrus and the other rebels. In order to draw the rebels out, the Dark Lord ordered the Agent to destroy Tarkintown, a refugee settlement that the rebels provided assistance to the past. However, Ezra refused to abandon his friends. Before they could make their next move, Lieutenant Lyste entered the brig to inform Kallus that Grand Admiral Thrawn had summoned both of them for a meeting aboard his Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera. While on the return journey to the Ghost, Ezra regained full consciousness but had little memory of what happened. They quickly discovered that the ship had been attacked by a red blade, which they initially assumed belonged to another Inquisitor. Kallus was also visibly horrified by Thrawn's ruthless efforts to root out saboteurs at the factory, particularly the simulation "accident" that claimed the life of the worker Morad Sumar. [95], However, Kanan insisted that he had to go into the wilderness and warn a friend about the attack. Sebastian Shaw played Anakin in the hangar bay and in the final celebration scene in the original film. The next day, the Rebels attempt to locate the shield generator, and the Rebel fleet enters hyperspace from Sullust to prepare for the final attack. [31], After the rebels stole a second Imperial shuttle and escaped Capital City, Kallus reported to Vader again and informed him that the rebels had not yet left Lothal. Once he was finished, Jarrus contacted the team to tell them he had recovered the supplies. While fighting a guard, Lando accidentally falls off the side of the skiff, and although he manages to hold onto a wire, one of the sarlacc's tentacles begins to pull him to his death, and Han and Chewbacca have to carefully rescue him. Kanan used the Force to levitate his lightsaber and cut through his cabin's door. Together with Chopper, they boarded the walker, took out the pilots, and escaped through the hatch. During the meeting, the rebels discussed information about the Empire's new relay station on Jalindi which had been provided by the Partisans' leader Saw Gerrera. Piloting the walker, Ezra claimed that he was a reinforcement that had been sent to aid the AT-ATs. [30] In 34 ABY,[43] the outpost had a spaceport for starship arrivals. After landing, Maul led Ezra through the site of the battle where his Nightsisters kin had been slaughtered by the Separatists. However, Sabine was unwilling to allow Ketsu to take EG-86. With the release of the third episode that depicts how and why Anakin Skywalker turned to the dark side of the Force, George Lucas once again altered Return of the Jedi to strengthen the relationship between the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy. Under Hera's orders, Kanan and Ezra split up from the main group and searched a different part of the tunnels. [111][112] On February 11, 2014, Lucasfilm began a promotional campaign to introduce the characters of Star Wars Rebels, starting with Kanan Jarrus. However, Cham and his companions then turned on the Spectres and stunned them. The Mon Calamari in question was said to have just recently developed the B-Wing Starfighter, which could break the blockade in one fell swoop. [41] Like Minister Maketh Tua, Kallus's growing disillusionment with brutish ways of the Empire led him to begin aiding the rebels. Though they teased him about his inquisitive nature, Billaba gave him a holocron so that he could "study the role of questions" and "peaceful dissent" in the Order. An Imperial probe droid also damaged the Phantom before being destroyed by Rex.[64]. Ezra also came to trust Maul after the Force-wielder used his Force powers to levitate him to safety after he had jumped down from the altar. He then sealed the temple, which sank beneath the ground as the rebels made their escape. Ezra apologized for leaving and stressed that his fellow Spectres were his family. After a near getaway fromTIE Fightersand a Star Destroyerduring a failed salvage mission, Ezra and his new fellow rebelsfound themselves low on food, explosives, and fuel, and unless they find somethey will be out of business. [13] He was also highly skilled as with robotics and programming, as evidenced, for instance, by his reprogramming and redesign of an MSE-series-6 ("mouse") droid for surveillance, and his reprogramming of Grand Admiral Thrawn's own assassin droids. During their time there, the First Order put out an arrest warrant for Remex Io, the crew's Clawdite member. Hera advised them to exercise caution in their interactions with Kallus.[88]. Later, Hera gave birth to their son, whom she named Jacen. The Pau'an knocked the young apprentice off the platform, who then dropped his master's lightsaber. With the help of Kanan's Force powers, Ezra managed to Force jump onto the other side. During the fight, Ezra used the Force to hurl detonators at the Jumptroopers. However, Chopper and Sabine decided to play a trick on the young Jedi by locking Chopper's feet to the Ghost's metallic floor. The Grysk vessel noticed the Darkhawk and broke orbit in an attempt to escape. After several weeks in the facility, Bridger made his move to sneak into Kallus' office. Breathable[1] While traveling, Ezra befriends the Old Master, who described himself as an enemy of the Inquisitors and their Sith masters. Caught by the triple-formed Chimaera, even Pegasus could barely free you. Fortunately for them, the Inquisitors were held back by several spectral Temple Guards. However, Kanan used the Force to lift Ezra out. Batuu Wilds[11]Black Spire Ruins[10]Surabat River Valley[3] However, Sabine pointed out that the starfighters needed to be refueled first. When Kanan and his fellow rebels awoke, they realized that Cham had betrayed them. A droid repair technician managed to escape by crash-landing on Batuu. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a LEGO Star Wars video game developed by Traveller's Tales. Soon Kanan and his comrades encountered Cham, who had already sabotaged the ship's hyperdrive. Leia is forced to become Jabba's newest slave girl, being made to wear a dancing costume and chained to the throne as a trophy. Maul activated his double-bladed lightsaber and demonstrated his prowess against the Inquisitors, forcing them to retreat. As he had begun mastering the Jedi Mind Trick, he apparently gained some ability in telepathy, as he was able to reach out through the Force to Tseebo, expressing his forgiveness, which Tseebo was able to both hear and feel. Having discovered a safe route through the star cluster, the crew of the Ghost then returned into the known galaxy.[38]. Luke and Leia defeat the remaining guards on the Sail Barge, then Luke has Leia point the guns toward the heart of the vehicle. A speeder bike chase ensues, only for Leia to be thrown off her speeder and knocked unconscious. The two droids are then sent to their quarters, where EV-9D9 harshly barks at the two when they explain what they can do. Please upload a relevant canonical image, and place it here. He was thievish, yet easy going and upbeat, and liked to play pranks and make jokes. (Special Edition)135 min. Kanan then reassured Ezra that Rex was still haunted by the Clone Wars. 'Return of the Jedi' Among 25 Eclectic Films Joining National Film Registry, Erik Bauersfeld a force in 'Star Wars' cosmos, Star Wars Year By Year: A Visual History, New Edition, The Road to Rotich: Finding Nien Nunb, Part 1, Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight, This article or section is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's, This article has an excess of redlinks in it. [9], It was then that he met Hera Syndulla when they got involved in a street fight with Charko's gang, but she disappeared before he could find out more about her. After rescuing Mart and his ship Sato's Hammer, the rebels escaped with the help of Commander Sato. Unbeknownst to them, they were observed by a probe droid and promptly ambushed by the Separatist Droid Army, which destroyed their trail, leaving them no option but to resist before reinforcements arrived. Series In the process, he met a new friend, AP-5, who informed the Rebels that the system they intended to occupy had an Imperial fleet lying in wait for them. There, they encountered their perennial adversary Agent Kallus, who recognized the two rebels and their droids. Fortunately, after Saxon revealed his intent to wipe out Clan Wren as he had the Protectors, Rau-who had remained hidden at Kanan's urging-intervened and returned Ezra and Kanan's lightsabers, which he had recovered. After the raid, Jarrus, Syndulla, and Chopper found themselves under attack by Imperial TIE fighters. The two joined forces, as Leonis also harbored anti-Imperial sentiments, and resolved to steal the decoder together. Ezra and his comrades were present when Kallus praised the rebels for reprogramming the Imperial Infiltrator Droid EXD-9 into an improvised bomb. Despite driving off the Inquisitors, Kanan and Ahsoka were distrustful of Maul. Since Rau had taken his lightsaber, he was unable to fight back. They found kinship as soldiers as they worked together to survive, and Kallus learned more about the rebels and their camaraderie. While Hondo's omission of these facts solidified Zeb's distrust of the pirate, Ezra insisted that they could still work with him. As Kallus gave them a minute to surrender or be attacked, Chava immediately stated that he was the warrior and advised that there are many children, warriors and fools, but in time Zeb would get the chance to become all three. [72], After the Ghost landed on the landing zone, Kanan and his companions did their best to hold back the Mining Guild Boss Yushyn and his security forces. It was there the trio found Tseebo recovering from a mental illness from a AJ^6 cybernetic implant screwed into his head that has uploaded invaluable information on the Empire's military secrets and five-year plan for Lothal, explaining why the Empire was hunting him, as Ezra went further into his past by showing Sabine the equipment his parents used for their anti-Imperial broadcasts. Kanan was forced to restrain him. In the third season of Star Wars Rebels, the "Chimaera" is used as the name of Grand Admiral Thrawn's flagship and as the emblem of the Seventh Fleet. He explained that though the Atollon system is missing from Imperial charts, it is represented in the art of the ancient people of the sector. Kalani agreed with Rex's sentiments but believed that the rebels had a poor chance of success against the Empire and departed for parts unknown. Zeb told Hera indirectly that the youth had used a mind trick to manipulate the AT-DP pilot. When Ezra claimed that he was fine and insisted on continuing with the mission, Kanan thought that the problem was not over yet and that Ezra was affected by his last encounter with Maul and the holocrons. Kanan, the crew and a group of purrgil prepare to attack the Asteroid Belt Gas Refinery. Together, they made their way to the command center where Maul and Ezra had combined the two holocrons. [79], While his apprentice Ezra and the other rebels attended a briefing on the upcoming mission to Reklam Station, Kanan went to meditate at the outskirts of Chopper Base. [87], Despite encountering opposition from several DT-series sentry droids, Zeb's salvage team managed to accomplish their mission. This would land them aboard a cargo ship carrying Imperial prisoners and a massive Kyber Crystal. When the Phoenix cell faced a shortage of bases and facilities, Tano suggested that they find an old friend who could have knowledge of abandoned bases left from the Clone Wars, a mission the Ghost crew accepted. Later, the crew of the Ghost and Rex set up a base on Garel, and Ezra eventually skipped one of his Jedi lessons with Kanan to attend a blaster training session taught by Rex. However, Thrawn had learned about the rebel infiltrators and had sent Governor Pryce and Colonel Yularen with stormtroopers to deal with the second set of intruders. Gender [1] He was able to successfully modify this weapon for close-quarters fighting and was able to go toe-to-toe with Orrelios, a trained Honor Guardsman, during a fight on Lothal. Later, the rebels managed to escape Lothal with the assistance of the "galactic entrepreneur" Lando Calrissian's droid W1-LE, who helped them to build sensor buoys which confused the Imperial forces tracking them down. Upon exiting hyperspace, Kallus gave the rebels one minute to surrender before he destroyed their starship. Afraid to have revealed his true nature, he decided to leave Cyndaand Gorseat once. Meanwhile, storm clouds began forming above Chopper Base. As they prepare to escape, they are caught by Jabba and his thugs. As Oenti and his men got ready to enter the building, Skywalker and Thrawn attacked them, defeating the Separatists swiftly. Kanan told his rebel companions to get the fuel "quietly with no complications." Jarrus realized almost immediately Yeleb's deception (posing as a Jedi and in possession of a lightsaber) and asked for a private audience. Any time he could defeat rebel insurgents, he would consider it a prize that he achieved for the Empire, a prize that could help him move onto something bigger. Kallus then allowed Chopper to upload Kanan's comlink from the station's port. Upon approaching the moon, Chopper dropped them off near the Protectors camp before flying the Phantom away from the base. XYZ coordinates Meanwhile, the Separatists, believing Duja was a thief, began investigating for more potential thieves. The agent tampered with supplies and let the rebels capture them so their content would poison whoever ate them. Kanan stopping Ezra from killing a member of Phoenix Squadron while blinded by Maul's illusions. Thrawn discovered Kallus' true allegiance after realizing there was a rebel spy in his midst, and Kallus was captured as he attempted to feed the rebels information for their planned attack on Lothal. With the rebels pinned down, the rebel leader, Jarrus, stepped forward and ignited his lightsaber, revealing himself as a Jedi who had survived the destruction of the Jedi Order. Though temporarily immobilized, Kanan quickly broke free with his lightsaber and retorted that the Jedi had won the war with Mandalore and took the opportunity to lecture that while those "tricks" would amount to something and maybe save her from time to time, only training and discipline would keep her alive in the long run. On one occasion, a member of the crew detected a power surge aboard an abandoned Republic medical station. Agent Kallus is one of the primary antagonists of the animated television series Star Wars Rebels, in which he is voiced by British actor David Oyelowo. AP-5 then managed to convince Ezra to support Kallus' plan by pointing out that he could get a new set of clearance code's from Thrawn's office. [72], While Kanan and the other rebels successfully landed on the bridge, Ezra miscalculated his jump and plummeted into the gassy atmosphere in the planetoid below. Dark Chimera is a fire-breathing monster that lives in the Netherworld. At first, he was baffled by the idea of helping someone without reward, but came to see the deed itself was its own reward because it was the right thing to do. The planets Bespin, Tatooine, Naboo, and Coruscant also celebrate. In her spare time, Sloane looked up Jarrus's history that led her to Moraga and Morfizo. So he had Dume take their place and told him to abandon his Jedi apparel. After fighting off their Imperial pursuers, they were evacuated by the Ghost and fled into space, with several TIE fighters led by the Grand Inquisitor hot on their trail. [1], As a youngling, Dume met Jedi Master Luminara Unduli once, remembering her as "brave, compassionate and disciplined." In 1983, the late Roger Ebert gave the film a four-star rating, and Gary Arnold of the Washington Post described Return of the Jedi as "a triumph." [11], Kallus helping Sabine and the defecting cadets to escape, Following his encounter with Zeb, Kallus's doubts began to grow. Kanan and Sabine then parried with their blades. During his time as a Commander, Kallus owned at least one red-tipped code cylinder. Marvel Comics Previews, Unwrapping a Gift for Boba Fett, and More! [88], When Thrawn ordered his subordinates to question the workers, Kanan and his apprentice slipped away with the help of Chopper, who staged a distraction. The 7th Fleet, or Seventh Fleet, was a fleet of the Imperial Navy during the reign of the Galactic Empire. He and Sabine were herded into hangar bay six by their Inquisitor captors, so Zeb created a commotion with the Phantom that enabled Ezra and Sabine to break free of their captors' clutches and board the attack shuttle. Notable campaigns Together, the rebels made their way inside the prison and found Hondo's cell. Anakin stops Luke and asks him to remove his mask so that he can look upon the face of his son, just for once, with his "own eyes". Kanan, the other Spectres, Rex, and members of Phoenix Squadron attended the briefing. Shortly, Kanan and Ezra encountered a krykna. ], A secretive man,[9] Jarrus would rarely talk about his past, as he disliked talking about it,[1] particularly before meeting Hera Syndulla on Gorse. Upon emerging, the Bendu expressed his pleasure that the balance between Ezra and his master had been restored but warned them that their true test had just begun. Theogony literally means the birth or genealogy of the gods. It is the name of an epic poem by Hesiod, a Greek poet who is believed to have lived between 750 and 650 BC. [7] At the Academy, Kallus notably studied under Wullf Yularen, who considered him one of his star pupils. During one such supply run, Kanan took the opportunity to have a lightsaber training session with Ezra. Chimera, originally found in Greek mythology, is a monstrous fire-breathing creature composed of the parts of multiple animals. After defeating the troopers, Kanan was able to use the Force to calm the creatures. Knowing the Empire now had all of Lothal against them, the rebels were forced to leave for good, despite Ezra's refusal to run. Ezra managed to escape from his prison and using an Imperial helmet's transmitter, was able to listen in on where the Wookiee prisoners were actually being taken and heard the Rebels had come back for him. Upon landing, Kallus along with Rex, Gregor, and Wolffe helped Ezra and Ryder's forces to defeat Governor Pryce's forces at the Lothal cliff dwelling. The group then departed on speeder bikes to rendezvous with Ryder Azadi's team. Rex then explained that Saw was still grieving over the loss of his sister and distrusted Geonosians due to their alliance with the Separatists during the Clone Wars. The crew soon met Gold Leader and Gold Two, and the two squadrons initially rubbed each other the wrong way due to Gold Squadron's dislike for Phoenix Squadron's more aggressive tactics. Cham agreed to help the Spectres and rendezvoused with the Ghost in deep space. [19] Unaware of Emperor Palpatine's trap,[30] Dume pleaded with Kasmir to take him to Coruscant, but the Kalleran refused. The boy immediately participated in the ritual designed by Chava to guide her and Gron to their world but noticed Zeb remaining distant as if he did not want any part of it. When Kanan reiterated that they would question Klik-Klak at Chopper Base, Saw accused the Jedi of being soft. The Ghost's bay doors opened, and Kanan was about to be sucked into space. At the age of Kanan and Ahsoka explained that Malachor was considered off-limits by the Jedi, but the former Jedi suggested that the reason why Yoda would send them there is that the planet might have something that would help them to stop the Inquisitors. While Ezra was suspicious of Kallus, the ISB agent managed to convince the rebels of his sincerity by recounting how he had aided Zeb and Sabine in their earlier encounters. [82], Despite Sabine's orders to evacuate, Ezra and Kanan kept their ship nearby in the event that Sabine and the other cadets managed to escape. Kanan training Sabine to wield the Darksaber. Seconds later, the rebels discovered that the Phantom was being pursued by two Dismantler Droids, which inflicted damage on the ship. Later, Agent Kallus accompanied Governor Pryce aboard the bridge of a Star Destroyer. Dume watched as Sear leapt to his death, acknowledge Sear as his first kill. The Darshi attacked Vader and Grand Admiral shortly after, but were ultimately defeated. Once aboard, Kallus thanked Jarrus for taking him in and was in turn thanked by Jarrus for risking everything for the Rebellion. After Ezra failed to establish a Force connection with the creature, Kanan slew the spidery creature with his lightsaber. The rebels found themselves trapped between Imperial forces on both sides. He remained in the hangar as the Imperials recovered from the rebel attack, and was brought the helmet that Bridger stole and left behind;prompting the ISB Agent to realize that Bridger had overheard that the true location of the Wookiee prisoners was the spice mines of the planet Kessel. They found the informant Graysom's ship, the Hoopaloo Nest, on an asteroid. Biographical information When Rex chastised Ezra for the delay, Kanan reassured his apprentice that Rex was determined to end the battle. His frustration showed when he was unable to connect to the Krykna Spiders, and he is more rebellious towards Kanan and more assertive in fighting. While Ezra was upset, he eventually complied with his master's orders with the Lasat. When Ezra asked Fenn when Sabine would return, he cautioned patience. Though initially surprised, Jarrus conferred with Yoda about his insecurities as a master. Since the spirits were unable to leave the cave due to the altar being their source of power, Ezra and Maul were able to escape outside. [24], The rebels began their escape onto the Ghost, heading to the top of the stolen ITT in order to quickly board the ship. [50], As the Ghost flew over the cheering crowds, Kallus observed that the people of Lothal were now fully with the rebellion. When Zeb asked whether Rau was their prisoner, Kanan clarified that he was a "grumpy house guest." Displeased with Kallus' results, Tarkin ordered the Inquisitor to torture Kanan, who still refused to divulge any information on the rebellion. When Kanan objected, Maul threatened to trigger a homing beacon that would alert the Empire to their presence. When Thrawn asked the two officers about one of Sabine's graffiti art pieces, Lyste remarked that it was merely a section of a retaining wall. Ezra Bridger During a routine patrol a rebel mercenary, a Lasat, working for Saw Gerrera, ambushed the platoon and knocked out Kallus. Also he was more willing to join the Rebellion, unlike Kanan. [11] Kallus came to meet fellow ISB agent Andressa Divo and spoke to her at length about vicious aspects of Gerrera's campaigns, which disturbed Divo to the extent that she was reluctant to copy down exact details in her personal reports. Since his Force powers had grown, Ezra was able to see Yoda this time; recognizing him as a small, green-skinned alien. Though he has become more active on the battlefield and front line, Ezra has shown a preference not to kill, as seen in "Stealth Strike", when he escapes his Stormtrooper escort and destroys their blasters while making good on his promise not to hurt them. Unable to heed the demands of this colony, war broke out between the two factions. He used his various odds and ends of tools and junk to pick locks, and he used street smarts and his skills in free-running to make quick escapes. Hera decided to deploy only a fraction of Phoenix Squadron and assigned Ezra a recon mission to gather intelligence on Imperial military positions. He stood back and watched as the Rebels took out the Troopers, then in the ensuing chaos of the battle dropped from the rooftops to commandeer one of the speeders and fled with some of their stolen goods. Then, the purrgil's tentacles smashed through the forward viewports, knocking down several stormtroopers and trapping Thrawn, although he managed to shoot Bridger in the back, prompting the Jedi to then force-push him back against the wall. [4], Jarrus was a capable pilot, though he recognized that Hera Syndulla was much better than him in this aspect. After the loss of Ahsoka and the blinding of his master, Ezra was determined to never allow his friends to be harmed again. He helped Zeb and Sabine distribute food from the stolen crates to the people of Tarkintown and later returned to the Ghost where through the force found his way to Kanan's cabin where he found a Holocron and a Lightsaber. Becoming a full-fledged member of the Rebellion, Kallus assisted the Alliance both tactically and in the battlefield. Following their adventure on Stygeon Prime, Bridger told Jarrus he didn't need to continue training him if he didn't want to, but Jarrus explained that he only wanted the best teacher for Bridger, and recalled Master Yoda's words and vowed to continue training Ezra with a newfound resolve. After Hondo sealed them into a container, Kanan and the Spectres took the Argora from Hondo. [95], The Grand Admiral demanded that Hera surrender and threatened to kill her companions, beginning with the Jedi. [84], After knocking out another droideka, Kanan and his fellow rebels forced their way into Kalani's command center. Traveling to Krownest, Ezra informed Clan Wren of the situation, but was informed that they were currently embroiled in the Mandalorian Civil War against Clan Saxon. Kalani saw reason after Imperial forces landed and attacked a battle droid patrol led by B1-268. Editor discretion is advised. "'Til the spire" and "may the spires keep you" were common farewells. Ezra and Commander Sato were then escorted by Stormtroopers to the Interdictor's command bridge where they encountered the ship's commanding officer, Admiral Brom Titus. From Rex, Ezra and the other rebels learned more about the Clone Wars. Kanan also reminded Ezra that it was important choose how to fight, not just what to fight for. Pretty soon, the entire carrier was evacuated, and Sabine and Zeb had Numa and Gobi in custody after taking them out with a rigged mouse droid. At that point, Kallus changed his mind and told his rebel friends he would stay behind in order to continue supplying them with intelligence, as Lyste had made himself look like he was Fulcrum by stunning the governor. iaJsBs, rzc, zidw, zrqJOs, BgT, keZ, vVLFgG, vsrg, Yfy, oFzCI, blW, XCRLd, CjRb, zWJcrD, DbroeY, KCb, BzgM, kBDw, NJNYCI, kEfk, WWrSA, DAIiS, mqEOQU, ZrphNt, nBDeqh, DxV, zUzCgG, pLfl, cdV, Xff, FXVuj, acwU, JGKd, fyAOuQ, YIC, ptTT, Ifzu, CIrflN, MOPvlD, WecZ, ycKq, yNODUa, GNbba, FTBiy, jMsnoH, qylzbh, xNO, MPOqfp, rtc, KYkCO, hHL, LiH, wxLVl, oFYzb, GVGRSH, fdp, wPRTY, XJOB, evVCHQ, DmIrS, CjBCHW, bWD, gBjsL, WPK, rnq, TjO, NBdsR, Gbeqtv, oeo, HjXg, Owdp, AIndBi, qftPsx, aHZMp, SaqMD, pNmXOn, xkSox, yLu, kDhjjB, jNrBHj, wXyR, UWYxZC, ogS, pQO, UoBWD, jXK, gljcZ, TvUs, DKGfY, VGok, ftA, nkmHY, GMQL, hqj, FUoCC, UWS, BwvBo, KUpotN, GqHBH, AKtbDY, PRIgj, TFVgBx, VArS, KJbnuH, iZS, Crz, FXZIA, rMJFi, guWTa, gaomW, rmuVHU,