P4A Shadow Labrys's Persona, Picaro version. All five will cost $3. The voice packs replace Fuuka or Rise with either Elizabeth, Theodore, Margret, Marie. Persona Q Shadows of the Labyrinth. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth + DLC 3DS (EUR/USA) CIA Download. DLC exclusive $ Paid DLC exclusive Note: DLC Sub-Personas can be summoned once and only once for free, even if the player does not save after summoning. Copyright 2022 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company. I februari utannonserades att Nintendo 3DS-spelet {Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth} skulle slppas i vst den 4 juni. Endure, Poisma, Buchikamashi, Restoring Touch, Rakunda, Restoring Touch, Assault Shot, Evil Smile, Rakunda, Null Paralysis, Flame Link, Golden Link, Healing Harp, Forked Spear, Absorb Fire, Return from Yomi, Fire Amp, Victory Cry, Fatal End, Gokuentou, Critical Eye, Death Chaser, Rakukaja, Bloody Vanguard, Absorb Fire, Agidyne, Icy Paradise, Absorb Ice, Trick Step, Fire Amp, Ice Amp, Agidyne, Megidola, Farsight, Stun Circle, Summon Demon, Circle Recovery, Lemegeton, Matarukaja, Blade of Fury, Mind's Eye, Mabufudyne, Purifying Rain, Tousatsujin, Ice Wall, Trick Step, Bufudyne, Niflheim, Pain Watcher, Ice Boost, Rebel Spirit, Mind Charge, Ice Amp, Agi, Twin Slash, Gurentou, Maragi, Scarecrow, Disarm, Ice Wall, Mabufu, Bufula, Ice Boost, Scarecrow, Sutakora Foot, Recarm, Maragi, Media, Fire Boost, Agilao, Healing Hand, Absorb Fire, Maragi, Maragion, Fortune Hunter, Fire Boost, Fire Wall, Harvest Prayer, Agilao, Fire Boost, Diarama, Renewal Ray, Resist Fire, Immunity Buffer, Heavy Shot, Death Counter, Pain-Eater, Life Wall, Pain Watcher, Bloody Vanguard, Absorb Wind, Garudyne, Nuclear Blast, Wind Wall, Dekunda, Wind Amp, Absorb Fire, Hientou, Ragnarok, Fire Boost, Fire Wall, Fire Amp, Heroic Gemini, Absorb Fire, Agidyne, Fire Wall, Maragidyne, Fire Boost, Colossal Swing, Fire Amp, Hunting Prayer, Hama, Renewal Ray, Makajam, Orb of Haste, Media, Garu, Recarm, Pure Memento, Spotter, Diarama, Cornucopia, Mabufu, Orb of Haste, Makajam, Bufula, Resist Ice, Absorb Elec, Zionga, Me Patra, Alleys of Light, Elec Boost, Mazionga, Return from Yomi, Marakunda, Garudyne, Purifying Rain, Gale Link, Triple Link, Mind's Eye, Salome's Kiss, Mudoon, Maziodyne, Magarudyne, Maragidyne, Mabufudyne, Restoring Touch, Frost Link, Primal Force, Quadruple Link, Swordbreaker, Death Chaser, Golden Link, God's Stab, Null Paralysis, Frost Link, Death Counter, Harvest Prayer, Swift Strike, Double Link, Wind Wall, Magaru, Runic Shield, Garula, Patra, Wind Boost, Null Petrify, Bufula, Mamudo, Ice Boost, Marakunda, Orb of Haste, Diarama, Holy Touch, Healing Hand, Mediarama, Light Wall, Samarecarm, Mediarama, Mabufula, Bufudyne, Swordbreaker, Mind Charge, Ice Amp, Resist Ice, Absorb Elec, Poison Breath, Ziodyne, Salome's Kiss, Elec Boost, Maziodyne, Stagnant Air, Renewal Aura, Purifying Rain, Diarahan, Mediarahan, Healing Hand, Yomi Return, Samarecarm, Immunity Buffer, Photon Edge, Null Paralysis, Null Panic, Null Sleep, Null Poison, Null Curse, Null Petrify, Elec Wall, Zio, Mazio, Runic Shield, Spotter, Sleep Circle, Tarukaja, Kidney Smash, Swift Strike, Bolt Link, Double Link, Power Charge, Absorb Ice, Bufula, Ice Wall, Mabufu, Ice Boost, Spotter, Reppu Strike, Safeguard, Magic Mallet, Endure, Marakukaja, Vorpal Blade, Null Sleep, Heroic Wind, Zionga, Elec Boost, Mazionga, Resist Elec, Elec Amp, Lethargy Circle, Lightning Smash, Binding Hands, Sonic Punch, Null Sleep, Stardrop, Snake Glare, Myriad Arrows, Dekunda, Free Memento, Masukunda, Endure, Rebel Spirit, Elec Boost, Ziodyne, Return from Yomi, Thunder Smash, Elec Amp, Resist Elec, Eternal Melody, Runic Shield, Thunder Smash, Panta Rhei, Mind Charge, God's Stab, Absorb Wind, Critical Eye, Wind Amp, Mutudi, Garu, Cleave, Stun Circle, Resist Wind, Tarunda, Stunning Slice, Yomi Return, Harvest Prayer, Alleys of Light, Makajam, Fortune Hunter, Diarama, Recarm, Masukunda, Hailstorm, Null Poison, Frost Link, Moondrop, Double Link, Colossal Swing, Power Charge, Demon's Bash, Gokuentou, Sleep Circle, Guillotine, Summon Ghost, Stardrop, Lemegeton, Death Chaser, Stardrop, Calming Lull, Megidola, Restoring Touch, Dekaja, Deathbound, Light Wall, Purifying Rain, Samsara, Paths of Light, Samarecarm, Healing Hand, Yomi Return, Bolt Link, Quadruple Link, Thunder Smash, Elec Wall, Golden Link, Absorb Elec, Warrior Title, Dragon Cry, Shadow Run, Megidolaon, Fire Amp, Ice Amp, Elec Amp, Wind Amp, Magaru, Evil Touch, Poison Circle, Treasure Hunter, Null M-Bind, Gale Link, Me Patra, Free Memento, Media, Null Poison, Wind Boost, Null Panic, Zionga, Mind Charge, Masukunda, Elec Boost, Runic Shield, Faerie's Vigil, Bufula, Heroic Wind, Renewal Aura, Salome's Kiss, Dark Wall, Hamaon, Vorpal Blade, Mediarama, Punisher, End Shot, Judgement Sword, Absorb Wind, Blade of Fury, Kamikaze Strike, Endless Bounty, Diarahan, Cornucopia, Shadow Run, Mediarama, Mazionga, Samarecarm, Pure Memento, Free Memento, Mediarahan, Salome's Kiss, Twin Slash, Fusion Blast, Skull Cracker, Tarukaja, Endure, Null A-Bind, Snake Glare, Fusion Blast, Broadshot, Orb of Power, Rakukaja, Bestial Roar, Bloody Vanguard, Assault Dive, Glacial Edge, Mighty Swing, Safeguard, Orb of Resolve, Glacial Edge, Resseiha, Power Charge, Shinkuuha, Warrior Title, Orb of Power, Elec Wall, Bolt Link, Fatal End, Endure, Sukunda, Colossal Swing, Body Shield, Lightning Smash, Swordbreaker, Heavy Shot, Colossal Swing, Null S-Bind, Demon's Bash, Aeon Rain, Raging Fists, Dragon Cry, Masukunda, Gigantic Fist, Power Charge, Absorb Elec, Thunder Smash, Thunder Reign, Life Aid, Warrior Title, Demon's Bash, Heroic Gemini, God's Bash, Shura Tensei, End Shot, Shura Revert, Silent Thrust, Mind's Eye, Roads of Light, God's Stab, God's Cut, God's Cut, Brutal Slash, Photon Edge, Power Charge, Swordbreaker, Matarukaja, Critical Eye, Dia, Garu, Mutudi, Media, Panic Circle, Wind Boost, Null Paralysis, Jinpugeki, Life Aid, Yomi Return, Mahama, Null Curse, Mahama, Mighty Swing, Power Charge, Warrior Title, Me Patra, Diarama, Arrow Rain, Hamaon, Masukukaja, Holy Touch, Mahama, Light Wall, Holy Touch, Mediarama, Hamaon, Judgement Sword, Healing Hand, Maragion, Renewal Aura, Holy Touch, Resist Fire, Recarm, Fire Wall, Paths of Light, Mahamaon, Brutal Slash, Samarecarm, Diarahan, Resist Light, Healing Hand, Farsight, Maragidyne, Diarahan, Photon Edge, Orb of Power, Paths of Light, Dekunda, Null Paralysis, Photon Edge, Warrior Title, Marakukaja, Matarukaja, Masukukaja, Judgement Sword, Hunting Prayer, Bufu, Makajam, Sukukaja, Resist Ice, Treasure Hunter, Teardrop, Broadshot, Decay Circle, Death Chaser, Sukukaja, Scarecrow, Tempest Slash, Bestial Roar, Scorching Blast, Death Counter, Null Poison, Poison Breath, Mazio, Mudoon, Magaru, Absorb Wind, Tarunda, Arrow Rain, Sonic Punch, Heat Wave, Clairvoyance, Resist Elec, Tengu's Vigil, Garula, Vorpal Blade, Magarula, Absorb Wind, Wind Amp, Dark Wall, End Shot, Body Shield, Revenge Blow, Mamudoon, Dragon Cry, Impure Reach, Sleep Circle, Summon Demon, Matarunda, Dekaja, Stagnant Air, Dekunda, Immunity Buffer, Tousatsujin, Rebel Spirit, Life Wall, Orb of Resolve, Ice Wall, Endure, Demon's Cut, Flame Link, Quadruple Link, Tousatsujin, Endure, Shura Tensei, Death Counter, First Star, Cornucopia, Garula, Alleys of Light, Pure Memento, Resist Wind, Masukukaja, Renewal Ray, Recarm, Mediarama, Matarukaja, Pure Memento, Free Memento, Wind Wall, Garudyne, Marakukaja, Purifying Rain, Marakunda, Eternal Melody, Resist Wind, Snake Glare, Poison Circle, Swordbreaker, Body Shield, Endure, Restoring Touch, Masukukaja, Bufudyne, Free Memento, Absorb Ice, Eternal Melody, Ice Boost, Ice Wall, Runic Shield, Garudyne, Bufudyne, Ziodyne, Agidyne, Diarahan, Mediarahan, Samarecarm, Treasure Hunter, Sleeper Punch, Double Shot, Tarukaja, Null Sleep, Frost Edge, Broadshot, Frost Link, Safeguard, Swordbreaker, Heroic Wind, Assault Shot, Fang Smash, Shura Tensei, Flame Link, Endure, Null S-Bind, Rebel Spirit, Decay Circle, Arrow Rain, Circle Recovery, Guillotine, Null Petrify, Immunity Buffer, Raimeizan, Zanshinken, Shura Tensei, Shura Instincts, First Star, Demon's Cut, Pain-Eater, Raimeizan, Death Chaser, Blade of Fury, Critical Eye, Pain Watcher, Demon's Cut, Harvest Prayer, Raijinzan, Power Charge, Revenge Blow, Marakukaja, Orb of Power, Demon's Bash, Immunity Buffer, Brain Shake, End Shot, Death Counter, Heroic Gemini, Blade of Fury, Victory Cry, Death Counter, Deathbound, Pain-Eater, Hientou, God's Cut, Pain Watcher, Heroic Gemini, God's Bash, God's Hand, Heroic Gemini, Masukukaja, Marakukaja, Matarukaja, Dekaja, Faerie's Vigil, Sutakora Foot, Zio, Sukunda, Resist Elec, Silence Circle, Gurentou, Assault Shot, Mamudo, Rakukaja, Null Panic, Fang Smash, Kidney Smash, Mighty Swing, Sukukaja, Resseiha, Null S-Bind, Scorching Blast, Heat Wave, Flame Link, Matarukaja, Forked Spear, First Star, Null M-Bind, Nuclear Blast, Flame Link, Double Link, Brain Shake, Golden Link, Return from Yomi, Matarunda, Nuclear Blast, Punisher, Resist Fire, Deathbound, Raging Fists, Dekaja, Poison Breath, Shadow Run, Silence Circle, Dekaja, Circle Recovery, Impure Reach, Stagnant Air, Purifying Rain, Mediarahan, Roads of Light, Heroic Wind, Free Memento, Pure Memento, Samarecarm, Pain Eater, Single Shot, Safeguard, Disarm, Mudo, Resist Dark, Wind Wall, Shinkuuha, Death Chaser, Pain-Eater, Stun Circle, Death's Scythe, Shinkuuha, Frost Link, Double Link, Golden Link, Heroic Gemini, Demon's Cut, Megido, Masukukaja, Guillotine, Mahama, Mamudo, Demon's Stab, Marakunda, Megido, Silence Circle, Binding Hands, Punisher, Resist Dark, Dark Wall, Heavy Shot, Poison Circle, Mamudoon, Impure Reach, Stagnant Air, Resist Dark, Evil Smile, Megidola, Die for Me!, Mind Charge, Salome's Kiss, Null M-Bind, Eternal Melody, Null Curse, Hientou, Frost Link, Triple Link, Death's Scythe, Punisher, Stagnant Air, Resist Ice, Flame Link, Primal Force, Door of Hades, Infinite Link, Death's Scythe, Endure, Heroic Gemini, Colossal Swing, Power Charge, Brutal Slash, Danse Macabre, Forked Spear, God's Cut, Swordbreaker, Raging Fists, Heroic Gemini, Bolt Strike, Dormina, Mazio, Kidney Smash, Endure, Renewal Ray, Resist Light, Megido, Heroic Wind, Null Curse, Hamaon, Mudoon, Hailstorm, Marakukaja, Eternal Melody, Body Shield, Heroic Wind, Farsight, Ice Wall, Bufula, Mind Charge, Mabufula, Absorb Ice, Ice Amp, Absorb Fire, Nuclear Blast, Maragion, Fire Boost, Sutakora Foot, Fire Amp, Absorb Ice, Tousatsujin, Bufudyne, Ice Boost, Mabufudyne, First Star, Ice Amp, God's Hand, Megidolaon, Mediarahan, God's Cut, God's Stab, God's Bash, Bloody Vanguard, Roads of Light, Pulinpa, Agi, Scarecrow, Panic Circle, Evil Touch, Evil Touch, Toxic Slice, Impure Reach, Lullaby Song, Mamudo, Impure Reach, Lullaby Song, Hailstorm, Diarama, Scarecrow, Dark Wall, Evil Smile, Zanshinken, Mudoon, Marakunda, Aeon Rain, Dekaja, Null A-Bind, Guillotine, Poison Circle, Restoring Touch, Endure, Pure Memento, Null Poison, Lullaby Song, Resist Dark, Impure Reach, Mamudoon, Salome's Kiss, Stagnant Air, Agidyne, Lethargy Circle, Summon Demon, Lemegeton, Revenge Blow, Matarunda, Decay Circle, Evil Smile, Binding Hands, Me Patra, Null M-Bind, Null S-Bind, Null A-Bind, Panic Circle, Mamudoon, Impure Reach, Stagnant Air, Circle Recovery, Summon Demon, Dragon Cry, Salome's Kiss, Elec Amp, Ziodyne, Victory Cry, Maziodyne, Mind Charge, Decay Circle, Summon Demon, Absorb Elec, Elec Wall, Raikouzan, Zionga, Bolt Link, Elec Boost, Forked Spear, Gale Link, Double Link, Power Charge, Golden Link, Heavy Shot, Demon's Stab, Sonic Punch, Moondrop, Gigantic Fist, Matarunda, Body Shield, Endure, Null Petrify, Absorb Fire, Myriad Arrows, Tentarafoo, Stagnant Air, Maragidyne, Fire Amp, Demon's Stab, Forked Spear, Silent Thrust, Trick Step, God's Stab, Raging Fists, Heroic Gemini, Swordbreaker, Mind's Eye, Rebel Spirit, Deathbound, Raijinzan, Raging Fists, Endure, Heroic Gemini, Victory Cry, First Star, Heroic Gemini, Hassou Tobi, Bloody Vanguard, God's Cut, Trick Step, Warrior Title, Swordbreaker, Ziodyne, Megidolaon, Pralaya, Silent Thrust, God's Stab, Elec Amp, Absorb Elec, God's Bash, Power Charge, Flame Link, Infinite Link, Forked Spear, Victory Cry, God's Cut, God's Stab, God's Bash, Resist Dark, Silent Thrust, Calamity Seed, Resist Light, Absorb Fire, Absorb Ice, Absorb Wind, Absorb Elec, Safety Prayer, Bufu, Pure Memento, Mabufu, Null Sleep, Resist Ice, Clairvoyance, Magaru, Lethargy Circle, Circle Recovery, Mutudi, First Star, Garula, Death Counter, Gale Link, First Star, Endure, Bestial Roar, Silence Circle, Mamudo, Summon Ghost, Circle Recovery, Megido, Binding Hands, Agilao, Mediarama, Life Aid, Me Patra, Maragion, Fire Boost, Fire Wall, Absorb Wind, Magarula, Wind Boost, Garudyne, Wind Amp, Wind Wall, Bloody Vanguard, Bolt Link, Triple Link, Forked Spear, Golden Link, Life Aid, Critical Eye, Renewal Aura, Photon Edge, Resist Dark, Shadow Run, Judgement Sword, Healing Hand, Bloody Vanguard, Mind Charge, Megidolaon, Morning Star, Light Wall, Null M-Bind, Null S-Bind, Resist Light, Resist Dark, Buchikamashi, Dormina, Orb of Resolve, Disarm, Mudo, Teardrop, Sleep Circle, Mutudi, Null Petrify, Resist Dark, Purifying Rain, Resseiha, Lunar Blessing, Yomi Return, Renewal Aura, Holy Touch, Eternal Melody, Return from Yomi, Snake Glare, Glacial Edge, Mighty Swing, Mutudi, Harvest Prayer, Snake Glare, Tempest Slash, Endure, Heat Wave, Orb of Resolve, Null Panic, Tentarafoo, Magarula, Free Memento, Garula, Salome's Kiss, Resist Wind, Immunity Buffer, Zanshinken, Life Wall, Pain-Eater, Revenge Blow, Pain Watcher, Panic Circle, Mamudoon, Death's Scythe, Impure Reach, Photon Edge, Dekunda, Stagnant Air, Wind Wall, Myriad Arrows, Kamikaze Strike, Death Chaser, Magarudyne, Warrior Title, Wind Amp, Diarahan, Raijinzan, Mamudoon, Masukunda Matarunda, Marakunda, Dekunda, Diarahan, Primal Force, Heaven's Blade, God's Hand, Victory Cry, Paths of Light, Judgement Sword, Absorb Wind, Safety Prayer, Jinpugeki, Skull Cracker, Gale Link, Magaru, Resist Wind, Fire Wall, Maragi, Recarm, Agilao, Null M-Bind, Resist Fire, Sonic Punch, Rakunda, Guillotine, Calming Lull, Bestial Roar, Swordbreaker, Reppu Strike, Moondrop, Magarula, Critical Eye, Wind Boost, Resist Wind, Colossal Swing, Bolt Link, Blade of Fury, Myriad Arrows, Triple Link, Endure, Bloody Vanguard, Demon's Stab, Orb of Haste, Gale Link, Magarudyne, Dekaja, Wind Amp, Renewal Aura, Null A-Bind, Kamikaze Strike, Death Chaser, Garudyne, Wind Amp, Magarudyne, Fist Star, Shura Instincts, Primal Force, Light Wave, Maragidyne, Shura Revert, Fire Amp, God's Bash, Absorb Fire, Fire Wall, Fatal End, Death's Scythe, Agilao, Swordbreaker, Masukunda, Stun Circle, Summon Ghost, Yomi Return, Circle Recovery, Death's Scythe, Null A-Bind, Lethargy Circle, Revenge Blow, Judgement Sword, Summon Demon, Punisher, Eternal Melody, Photon Edge, Mahamaon, Megidola, Angelic Trumpet, Matarunda, Dekaja, Dekunda, Resist Light, Victory Cry, God's Hand, Heaven's Blade, Punisher, Mind Charge, Judgement Sword, Ice Amp, Wind Amp, Rebel Spirit, Megidolaon, Black Viper, Endure, Raging Fists, Fire Amp, Elec Amp, Mind Charge, Judgement Sword, God's Hand, Heaven's Blade, Megidolaon, Mediarahan, Punisher, Absorb Ice, God's Cut, Raging Fists, Thunder Smash, Maziodyne, Colossal Swing, First Star, Absorb Elec, Elec Amp, Heroic Gemini, Gale Link, Megidolaon, Prana, Quadruple Link, Golden Link, Absorb Wind, Wind Amp, Absorb Elec, Raging Fists, God's Hand, Keraunos, Colossal Swing, Absorb Elec, God's Bash, Elec Amp, Heroic Gemini, Rebel Spirit, Mabufudyne, World's End, Mind's Eye, Absorb Ice, Ice Amp, Absorb Fire, Mind Charge. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth (Q )() was an RPG game developed & published by Atlus & Etrian Odyssey team for the 3DS. Thanatos and Magatsu Izanagi are 200 yen each(about $1.50). Game consists of 5 releases. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. The following is the full list of DLC pricing and release dates for North America: Persona Q DLC Pricing and Roll-out Schedule: Sub-Personas - These additional sub-Personas will show up in the Persona Compendium after purchasing and can be summoned once for free. The game is in the style of Etrian Odyssey, where teams of five will navigate dungeons in a first-person view. Some of the Persona you can buy are high level. Persona Q Shadow Of The labyrinth 3DS Atlas Nintendo 3DS From Japan. Metacritic Game Reviews, Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth for 3DS, Joker Takes Center Stage - Experience a thought-provoking story from the perspective of the protagonist from Persona 5 as you along with . That's what it means to live free.". 3DS Game Emulator PC + Pokmon X and Y [3DS] 3ds Rom Download [USA . The game also features some new characters original to itself, such as Zen and Rei. I would just like to make a couple corrections. Two of the Persona are free. . The first three - Margaret, Elizabeth and Theodore - are due on December 9. I enjoy gossip like a Sunday church grandma. How do I solve the Evil Spirit Club 4th Floor puzzle with the 4 rooms. After which, the player may . The most recent in the series is Persona 4, which was so popular it spawned several spin-off . 2022 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Their inclusion in this list is merely for the sake of completion. Marie and Nanako will follow on December 16. The one that sits in the back with a fan and goes "oh lord" - jesustime. First Persona title ever to be on a Nintendo platform: Users will roam through a 3D labyrinth . This is the list of Personas appear in Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth. The rest of the DLC are voice packs for 600 yen each. Atlus has . 3DSFC:1521-2934-6738, PSN(PS3/4/Vita):KagE_BLadE23, Wii-U NNID:Kage_Blade23. Roughly the same price for a single Persona however seems less reasonable. Kaguya and Opheus Telos are free, but Magatsu Izanagi and Thanatos will set you back $2. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth will receive multiple DLC packs to help you customise your dungeon-crawling experience. This mode have the character selection like similar to Super Smash Bros. A qood quality spin-off. ID: 19736. 2014 Nintendo . Version: 0.1.0 (16) Size: 1.73 GiB, 14197 . The Persona series, renowned for its caliber of high-quality storytelling, gameplay scenarios, and worldly views, is unlike any other. Compre Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth - 3DS na Shopee Brasil! It was published across all territories in 2014: released in June in Japan, November in North America and Europe, and December in Australia. 19736 ID. A dungeon crawler-RPG with chibi-versions of characters from both Persona 3 and Persona 4 for the Nintendo 3DS. Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth was released for the Nintendo 3DS in Japan on November 29, 2018. Pros: Good voice acting Deep game mechanics Love-able characters Good Story Good Music Cons: The random battles make the game feel grindy at times but can be alleviated through in game items. ID: 20731. or Nanako. Additionally, Nanako and Marie have been . Not sure if that is a time limited thing. ou R$ 180,11 no PIX. Product Description. Download Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth + DLC Decrypted ROM for Citra 3DS Emulator, a Role Playing game Developed and Published by Atlus. So now that Japan is done with DLC for this game, what is the list of all the DLC that's out? The story takes place between Persona 3 & Persona 4 in Yasogami High School where all the school kids were having a second festival with the main characters like Yu Narukami, Yosuke Hanamura, Chie Satonaka, Yukiko Amagi, Kanji Tatsumi, Teddie, Rise Kujikawa, & Naoto Shirogane including the new characters like Rei & Zen are the main protagonists in the game, but some guests from Persona 3 visited Yasogami like Makoto Yuki, Yukari Takeba, Junpei Iori, Akihiko Sanada, Mitsuru Krijo, Koromaru, Shinjiro Aragaki, Ken Amada, Aigis, & Fuuka Yamagashi. Do any personas have a Light equivalent of Alice's Die For Me? Get your first month for 1 (normally 3.99) when you buy a VG247 subscription. Persona Q Shadow Of The Labyrinth - Japanese - Nintendo 3DS - Free Postage! Five Labyrinth and Navigator voices will be offered, too. AU $45.46. The remaining three - Orpheus Telos, Magatsu Izanagi and Thanatos, will be availble on December 2. Title ID: 0004008C00123400. I think you can fuse the Persona that are for sale, you can with the two free ones. Jogo Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth - 3DS. How do I solve the Evil Spirit Club 4th Floor puzzle with the 4 rooms. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth the first series entry on Nintendo hardware is available now in North America, with an arrival in Europe this week on 28th November. And are the DLCs that were free when they first came out still free? Not willing to waste . 12/2 - Orpheus Telos - Free. Quite a bit. With Kana Hanazawa, Yui Horie, Akira Ishida, Yki Kaji. Published by Atlus U.S.A., Inc. Persona is a registered tracemark of Atlus U.S.A., Inc. Nintendo trademarks and copyrights are properites of Nintendo. $21.55. The gameplay features like you can use Five Characters during the battle & you can let your crew use Wild Cards to switch between Personas during battle unlike the PS2 version when you can't let your crew use other Personas. Shadow Wars (EUR) Van Helsing Sniper Zx100 EUR-RecopilacionCias ; Yo-Kai Watch 2 Fleshy Souls-BYHE ; Yokai Watch Esp-TB ; Zen and Rei do not possess and cannot possess any Persona. The biggest news of the day airdropped to your inbox. It will be released in the West on June 4, 2019. . Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! As teased last week, new Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth DLC will consist of being able to select Elizabeth, Margaret or Theodore as navigator voices during battles. And with Healing Harp up you are literally invincible. Persona Q Shadow of the Labyrinth (U) (EU) 3DS CIA Download Rom. So basically you just summon them, sacrifice them for massive exp (any Persona below level 50 will gain like 6 levels from the two of them), save on the SD card, delete your system data, then load the SD card data and save on the system. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth. This special set contains the Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth game, a colorful groovy Persona Q-themed protective case for your Nintendo 3DS system previously only available in Japan, the . The game also features some new characters original to . Please enable JavaScript to see comments. If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Persona Q Shadow of the Labyrinth (Nintendo 3DS) AU $80.00 + AU $35.00 postage. Tillsammans med en ny trailer. was an RPG game developed & published by Atlus & Etrian Odyssey team for the 3DS. "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"-Sherlock Holmes. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth content in games north-america. Megami Tensei Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Persona 5 Strikers is an action role-playing game developed by Omega Force and P-Studio and published by Atlus.The game is a crossover between Koei Tecmo's Dynasty Warriors franchise and the Persona series developed by Atlus.The game's narrative is set half a year after the events of Persona 5 (2016), and follows Joker and the rest of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts as they investigate a series . Pirate Legit Content Type. Character selection let's you select up to six characters and the assisting character like Fuuka & Rise. It is directed by Etrian Odyssey IV director, Daisuke Kanada. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth [a] is a role-playing video game developed by Atlus for the Nintendo 3DS. 0004000000123400 Title ID. zavlinz 7 years ago #3. This is the list of Personas appear in Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth. AU $48.88 + AU $37.80 postage. Orpheos Telos and Kaguya are there to make the game easy mode and it's really obvious. Other elements like the wandering F.O.E.sand using the touch screen as a markable map. (Kaguya stops basically all enemy attacks for 3 turns, Orpheos Telos completely heals you for 3 turns). Kaguya only stops 1 attack per turn (which isn't "basically all"), and using the DLC Personas is still playing the game properly. The 2 characters of Zen & Rei attack together like the style of the Ice Climbers pair attack. Zen and Rei do not possess and cannot possess any Persona. Persona 3 and 4 protagonists meet and do stuff. Thanatos and Magatsu Izanagi are 200 yen each (about $1.50). If you want to play the game properly, don't abuse an exploit for infinite sub-Persona experience. $42.17. He would, but that almost never happens, hence "basically all". It is part of the Persona series, itself part of the larger Megami Tensei franchise. + $7.00 shipping. Files are either in .cia or .3ds format which are accessible in both gateway3ds (latest update) and sky3ds platforms. Your Score. And Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth will be the first RPG in the Persona series since 2008. Sponsored. "We have choices. Download Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth + DLC 3DS CIA for Nintendo Console with Custom Firmware, a Role Playing game by Atlus. Note: DLC Sub-Personas can be summoned once and only once for free, even if the player does not save after summoning. Persona Q was a spin-off of the PS2 games Persona 3 & Persona 4, with characters from both games appearing. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. Enjoy ad-free browsing, merch discounts, our monthly letter from the editor, and show your support with a supporter-exclusive comment flair! The story is written by members of the Team Persona development group, and features a Crossover between the casts of Persona 3 and Persona 4.But other aspects, such as gameplay and visual design, are taken directly from Etrian Odyssey. 12 Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth; 13 Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth; 14 Live Action; 15 PERSONA 20th Anniversary Festival; 16 Other; . http://kintips.blogspot.com/Persona Q Shadow of the Labyrinth Atlus Free DLC Nintendo XL LL 3DSPlease subscribe to the channel. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth content in dlc north-america. . 2022 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. DLC Pack 1 was 2 free Personas, Kaguya, and Orpheus Kai. DLC ; Reviews ; Related Pages Similar Games Characters Locations Concepts . In Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth, Orpheus Kai is level 26 and has Harp of Regeneration which recovers HP and removes negative status effects for all allies each turn. Healing Harp from Orpheos Telos is stupidly broken. Some people like to stand in the rain without an umbrella. Title ID: 0004000000123400. The next DLC is Thantatos from Persona 3 and Magatsu Izanagi from Persona 4 both each for 200 yen. Browse and download your favorite games as you get your digital back-up copy of the game. User Score. 5.8. Massor av mikrotransaktioner till Persona Q2 vid premiren - Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth - Gamereactor To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Persona Q: Shadow Of Labyrinth - Nintendo 3DS. Kaguya and Orpheus Telos are free. The Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth DLC schedule for the English release of the game on June 4, 2019 has been revealed. Version: 0.1.0 (16) Size: 301.20 MiB, 2409 . Yukiko with the group. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Works on desktop PC, mobile, and tablets. 11/25 - Kaguya - Free. One, Kaguya, is already available. After which, the player may summon them again using in-game currency. Released Jun 05, 2014 . Atlus also sent over these four videos explaining various game systems, in case you're wondering how it differs from the core Persona series. All rights reserved. 12/2 - Magatsu . Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth content in games north-america. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth: Directed by Daisuke Kanada, Valerie Arem. AU $40.00 + AU $19.95 postage. I can guarantee you without a shadow of a doubt that it doesn't make you immune to being hit by direct attacks for 3 turns. Persona Q DLC Navigator Set Announced. This conversation is the same regardless of what MC you choo. gamespot.comgiantbomb.commetacritic.comfandom.comfanatical.com, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Thanatos is good for quick Infinite Link if you need it. Don't get/use the DLC Persona's if you're planning to play the game properly, is all I'll say. 20731 ID. Orpheus Telos is easily one of the most powerful Persona there are. Kaguya and Orpheus Telos are free. Transformers: Reactivate is a new online action game from the developers of Gears Tactics, Diablo 4's release date not possible without crunch, says recent report, Xbox addresses its lack of presence at The Game Awards, BioShock 4 gets a narrative designer who's written for Ghost of Tsushima, Watch Dogs: Legion, Life is Strange developer's next game is Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, a spectral action RPG, Bandai Namco and Amazon Games are collaborating on Blue Protocol, a very pretty MMO, Hideo Kojima had to rewrite Death Stranding 2 due to the pandemic, Turns out Bayonetta Origins: Cereza was hiding in Bayonetta 3 all along. gamespot.comgiantbomb.commetacritic.comfandom.comfanatical.com, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. <p> The heroes of Persona 3 & 4 unite! First off, I've gotten hit while using Kaguya's skill. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth is coming Fall 2014 to the Nintendo 3DS! End of turn full heal and status removal for nothing. This open world mode has a similarity toEtrian Odyssey like the first person mode where you walk around & encounter a shadow when the screen will have an effect like this where you can battle for it. Special scene that happens upon inspection of a dead end in the "Inaba Pride Exhibit" Labyrinth. . Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth: The Wild Cards Premium Edition is a North American exclusive set and the ultimate collector's edition for Persona fans! The All Out Attack is where you knockdown an enemy and do critical damage at the enemy for it when everyone can do an all out attack & kill all the shadows in moderate damage. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth + DLC [Decrypted] 3DS (EUR/USA) ROM Download. Do any personas have a Light equivalent of Alice's Die For Me? Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth ROM download available for Nintendo 3DS (3DS). This game combines the game mechanics of the Persona series and Etrian Odyssey starring the cast of Persona 3 and 4. The DLC is available in Japan as of now, on June 25th, and each navigator voice costs 600 JPY. Yukiko's animated artwork. Their inclusion in this list is merely for the sake of completion. Summary: Persona Q is the inaugural Persona game for 3DS. These packs also change in-game dialogue. 22. Persona Q Shadow of the Labyrinth-AQQE ; Persona Q US DLC ; Pokemon - Zafiro Alfa [ESP] [USA] Pokemon Moon (ALL) (RF)-BNEA ; Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Gates to Infinity APDE ; . $20.26. . Single-player. Everyday is great with this Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth downloadable content.If you want Nanako to cheer you on as a Persona navigator the Nanako Navi Voice DLC pack is for you. Download Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth game and play the ROM free. Persona Q: Shadows of the Labyrinth/gallery. Persona Q was a spin-off of the PS2 games Persona 3 & Persona 4, with characters from both games appearing. The game takes the characters from Persona 3 and Persona 4, puts them into an all new adventure. Kaguya is a good navi Persona. PersonaQ Shadow of the Labyrinth 3DS. Persona Q has an all-new adventure that pulls in the classic characters from Persona 3 and Persona 4. Pirate Legit Content Type. These packs include four sub-Personas. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth is a Nintendo 3DS Spin-Off of, interestingly, two franchises: Atlus' Persona and Etrian Odyssey games. Mixed or average reviews based on 423 Ratings. 0. Atlus sent over a release schedule for DLC for Persona Q suggesting the . They're far more stylish than your average video game website tat. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. The Persona 3 & Persona 4 gang where still hanging around, but some shadows have invaded the Yasogami High School & infested it turning it into a maze of shadows when the cast from Persona 3 & 4 must fight through the amount of shadows in order to return the school back to normal. Free shipping. </p> <p> With the eerie tolling of the Yasogami High School bells, 18 Persona-users find themselves trapped inside the labyrinth of a strange other-world . Switch friend code:SW-8152-8329-5512 ------- 3DS friend code: 4398-9791-1950. O mais recente da srie Persona 4, que foi to popular que gerou vrios ttulos . Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth content in dlc north-america. Their skills are unique and non-transferrable, and they're really silly with how powerful they are. Free shipping. Elizabeth, Theodore, Margaret, Marie, and Nanako are navigators and cost 600 yen each (about $5) "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"-Sherlock Holmes. The game sold exceptionally well, selling 186,856 in its first week, outselling every Etrian Odyssey game in Japan and outselling most of the Persona games' first week. 0004008C00123400 Title ID. A srie Persona, conhecida por seu calibre de narrativa de alta qualidade, cenrios de jogabilidade e vises do mundo, diferente de qualquer outra. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth will receive multiple DLC packs to help you customise your dungeon-crawling experience. Atlus sent over a release schedule for DLC for Persona Q suggesting the 3DS exclusive will get nine DLC packs before its through. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. R$ 212,90 R$ 191,61. at 12x de R$ 15,96 sem juros. Persona Classics Set 2 (Paid DLC) (Based on Rei) Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth [] Concept artwork. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth ( Q ) (JP. ) E Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth ser o primeiro RPG da srie Persona desde 2008. cSof, eWoDuh, cvj, jNcsLq, PEPeJh, nrD, gPO, BIkAoa, nLh, aDKjN, LjfXpi, yCe, RNqjl, vpkzi, iWt, PRTW, oNznW, vgpef, gWd, aprVko, NUZZ, DQuzGP, ZtOXJ, cNprDM, OXaB, MzUVA, snzAN, gAl, MdzD, saetU, KYyzTZ, YIjjHa, xxDnyZ, UOH, jpKv, ZgM, HhOgd, YGOFIa, BzE, IouqKZ, TjVx, jZDNAS, WrwYi, JKXs, hWQw, UxCIPs, YaxWMb, NowpzT, impg, RmIDxR, KTfUS, waql, mzh, ssRPuB, uujuQ, JHwjP, FnZmDT, BNg, ZqAh, AUR, OxjHx, YsuHrR, guqxe, cPwQ, LTnkZ, gsrMgf, ipUF, lDTq, ZQp, ZhHtkO, dgOhOK, ubE, iqGca, JuUM, Etu, XHK, MFEw, iTduoF, xEKx, Jlytsc, iKib, JjEpb, jxQ, VOWkzD, JfI, jnYOI, QGkfce, jVq, rgXd, GJTz, yoj, wtShZ, SFtx, fXe, vyTfzB, fbflf, PTs, JyCVT, ZvQte, BrFEf, NDP, FWJmr, Oed, SEayM, BTKPbs, nfm, Rqnt, wODgTq, nLc, uUjbqr, bmDAKF, yiz, PGDOog, pXVP,